Fundamentals of semiconductor manufacturing economics

Once upon a time - at the beginning of the century - I bought a regular mobile phone, the cheapest one, it cost about 15 or 20 euros. And to him the cover. Which also cost about 15-20 euros. This fact struck me - a phone in which there is a semiconductor chip, which is the pinnacle of the development of human technology, which requires billions of dollars worth of equipment, highly qualified specialists who studied at universities and defended dissertations, the results of research by thousands of scientists - and all this costs the same , how much is an ordinary case, the production technology of which has not changed much in the last few thousand years. How so? Let's try to understand.


At once I will make a reservation that the figures cited in the article are not an exact calculation of the cost of a particular product. However, the figures are not taken from the ceiling, but from the experience of working at a large semiconductor factory (GlobalFoundries, a former AMD factory) and the management of a small MEMS factory. Thus, we will consider a spherical semiconductor factory in a vacuum, which, on the one hand, is not a real copy, on the other hand, helps to understand the trends in the formation of the cost of semiconductor products. I also want to emphasize that we will talk about the cost of semiconductor products. The price will be determined by other factors: the conscience of supply and demand, marketing, etc. and we will not touch upon these issues, let us say only the obvious thing that the price cannot be lower than the cost price (this is the reason why Qimonda went bankrupt - the cost price of their memory ( DRAM ) was higher than the price of the memory modules of south-eastern manufacturers).

What is the cost of semiconductor products?

Let's compare the cost of production at the factory with different size plates (diameter from 100 mm to 300 mm), different production load and different usable yield. To do this, we will need to understand what expenses are necessary for production, how they depend on production volumes, how many chips will fit on plates of different sizes and what will be the scrap rate (the reverse side of the yield).

Let our factory produce CMOS logic, with a maximum output of 600,000 plates per year. We spent $ 1 billion on equipment.


Production costs are divided into two types - fixed, which do not depend on the volume of production and direct (variable) - which directly depend on the volume of production. In addition, some (indirect) costs will increase with the volume of production, but not in proportion to it.

Direct costs

Indirect expenses

Fixed costs

This includes everything else that does not depend on the volume of production - depreciation of equipment, rent of land, repair of buildings, maintenance of the office, etc. etc. Separately, focus on depreciation. Path equipment is depreciated over 5 years. Then, with a total equipment cost of $ 1 billion, we must include $ 200 million a year in expenses.

Putting it all together, we will see that our fixed costs are approximately $ 1.5 billion a year and let them grow by 10% with the introduction of one additional shift. Thus, the cost of one plate will consist of the direct costs of producing one plate + fixed costs for the whole factory divided by the number of plates = $ 3,100 + $ 1.5 billion / production volume. We make the first calculations:
Number of shiftsProduction capacity, plates per yearFixed costs, billion $Plate cost, $

The first conclusion that we can do: it is advantageous for us to load our factory to the maximum - this significantly reduces the cost price of one plate (twice when switching from one shift to four). Now let's talk about chips - after all, the cost of the chip, and not the entire semiconductor wafer, is important for the end user.

Plate size

Semiconductor wafers from 51 mm to 200 mm. Source: Wikipedia, By German Wikipediabiatch, original upload 7. Okt 2004 by Stahlkocher de: Bild: Wafer 2 Zoll bis 8 Zoll.jpg , CC BY-SA 3.0 , Link

To find out how many chips there will be on a plate you need to know the chip size and the size of the plates. There is a handy calculator on the Internet that allows you to quickly estimate how many chips will fit on plates of different sizes. For example, let's take chips of different sizes, “large” Intel Sandy Bridge E 6C (435 mm2) and “small” Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 (72.3 mm2) and see how many of them fit on plates of different sizes. Disclaimer: the chips are taken just for example sizes, the subsequent cost calculation has nothing to do with the actual cost of these products. In addition, it is clear that the same chip cannot be made on a 100 mm and 300 mm plate, but we are considering a spherical factory in a vacuum, so let's just count.
Plate size, mmNumber of chips 435 mm 2Number of chips 72.3 mm 2

Given that the cost of manufacturing one plate is almost the same, from this table we make two very important conclusions:


An example of a card output of suitable chip plates. Red marked defective chips. Source: DOI: 10.1155 / 2015/707358

How he likes to repeat the leadership of semiconductor factories. We have three major goals: yield, yield and yield (We have three main goals - the yield, the yield, and the yield). The yield of the effect on the cost directly - the more the yield on the plate, the cheaper the chip, since the cost of the plate does not change (from an economic point of view, an increase in marriage is equivalent to a decrease in the size of the plate). At first glance, the concept of yield is quite simple - we just consider the percentage of working chips, but there are some nuances.

If the chip is simple, for example, the wireless module of the phone, then it either works or not, everything is simple. If the chip is complex, for example, it has several cores and a graphics co-processor on a single chip, then everything is a little trickier. If you are lucky, then everything works. If not, then, for example, only two of the four cores work. Or the graphic coprocessor does not work. What to do in this case? It's very simple - we make a product line: a quad-core processor with graphics, a dual-core processor with graphics, a dual-core processor without graphics, etc. In addition, they can work at different frequencies (well, this happened because of the variation in the size of the devices on the plate). That is, if you see a line of processors, it does not mean that there are several technical processes and photomasks. Most likely, the technical process is one, and after the end of manufacturing processors are sorted according to the results of the final measurements.

Another aspect is as follows: the yield of suitable falls mainly due to defects, which have a certain probability of occurrence per unit area of ​​a semiconductor wafer. Obviously, a larger chip is more likely to catch a defect and fail more than a smaller chip. Thus, the yield of small chips will be greater than the yield of large chips with the same number of defects on the plate.

Cost calculation

So, we found out that we have several main factors affecting the cost of the chip:

It is quite difficult to build a pivot 4-dimensional table, so we’ll consider several examples:

The cost of the chip ($) size of 72.3 mm2 with a yield of 80% for a factory operating with different loads and different size plates:
Number of shifts100 mm150 mm200 mm300 mm

Going from 100 mm plates to 300 mm and from one shift to four, we reduced the cost of the chip 20 times!

The cost of chips ($) of different sizes, depending on the yield on the 300 mm plate with a full factory load:
YieldChip 435 mm 2Chip 72.3 mm 2

Well, we got the answer to the original question - how a mobile phone can cost several tens of dollars despite the fact that there are high-tech products there. We began with billions of dollars in investments and billions of budgets, and we came to the conclusion that the cost of one small chip (it is unlikely to be very large in a simple push-button telephone) produced in a fully loaded factory running on 300 mm plates is measured in units of dollars.

Now, just out of curiosity, let's see what happens if we want to organize the production of chips in Russia.

Production of chips for the Russian market

Disclaimer: all numbers and names are made up, any coincidences are random.
Suppose we organized a certain company, Nanomet, and we want to produce a certain Sayany processor with a size of 256 mm2. To do this, we purchased equipment for about $ 1 billion, which runs on 200 mm plates and is capable of producing 600,000 plates per year. On one plate we get 91 chips and let us achieve a yield of 70%, that is, we will get 63 chips from one plate. Using the above calculations, we estimate the cost of production of such chips:
ShiftsNumber of chipsCost, $
one9 450 000207
328 350 000113
four37 800 000102

That is, the total cost of all the chips produced will be $ 3.5-3.8 billion. The main question is whether there is a market in Russia for selling tens of millions of processors (or any other chips)? The global semiconductor market amounted to about $ 463 billion in 2016 , the Russian market, according to various estimates, ranges from 0.3 to 1% of the world, i.e. somewhere $ 2-4 billion, which is approximately equal to the cost of all our products, but we also want profit, and we are not alone in the market. It turns out that if we want to produce chips for the domestic market, we need to either enter global markets (and sell a substantial share of our products there), or not fully load the factory with a corresponding increase in cost (well, prices for the end user).


Even if you have invested billions of dollars in the equipment and operation of a semiconductor plant, you can produce quite complex chips, the cost of which will be tens of dollars (and for small units). To do this, you need to completely load your factory (work 24/7), use 300 mm plates, try to make the chip as small as possible and achieve high yield. And do not forget to find those to whom you are going to sell these chips - otherwise they will not be cheap.


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