Turn on teleport: moving hubs

Fish publications about the transfer of hubs

In a still relatively recent publication about the transfer of Habra to the new domain habr.com and plans to start a global expansion, we mentioned that we will soon move some hubs from Hiktimes back to Habr. We decided not to delay and did it today.

The main task, which is solved by another castling of hubs, is an even more distinct thematic distinction between Habr and Hiktimes. Make it so that authors and companies no longer have difficulties in choosing a site for publishing a publication.

It is only at first glance that it seems easy to draw a line between two closely related projects. But in practice, this requires some time to collect data, statistics, accumulation of various “exceptions to the rules” in order to understand what adjustments to make in the future.

Now the rule is simple:

What exactly moved to Habr?

You should not look for hidden meanings - these steps are not the beginning of the path to the complete reunion of all the hubs in a single Habré. We just tried to separate the sites even more clearly, to separate the entertainment from the professional, and it took time. By the way, the audience of Habra and Geektimes overlaps only partly: now, on average, about 31% of users come from Habr to Geektimes, and from Heiktimes to Habr - 59%.

If you see any anomalies on the site, do not rush to ring the bells - until tomorrow, the indices, ratings and other counters will be recalculated. Habr is big, you can not imagine how big; it takes time to get everything settled.

If you think that your publication should be transferred from a resource to a resource, please write to the support service .

But that's not all.

Now we are working on a unified system of entities that will become a “skeleton” for our projects and will allow us to more closely link the hubs on Habré, tags from the Toaster, skills from My circle and Freelance. This is quite a big task (which also needs to be multi-lingual), as a result of which many niche hubs will become available on Habré (and, probably, on Geektimes). Lots of. As much as it has never been before. But all this is to restore order, and not to introduce chaos.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/411961/

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