Student competition for the development of experimental technologies in the field of prosthetics and rehabilitation

Motorica HumanX Prize

Modern prostheses no longer simply fill in the lost functions of the hand, but in many ways surpass it.

We challenge the outdated technologies and decided to unite all talented students and young scientists who are not afraid to take a fresh look at what a modern prosthesis should be.


With the help of modern prostheses, their users can lead a familiar life and not only return the main capabilities of the hand, but also exceed its capabilities in some way. Now we are looking for teams that also aim to empower people with disabilities and create something meaningful!

If you have an idea for a new design of the prosthesis or its components, you have come up with new ways to recognize gestures through the myogram or a fundamentally new way to control - WIN UP TO 500.000 RUBLES to implement your idea in the field of creating cyborg!

We are confident in the new round of technological evolution of man, so we are looking for like-minded people!

Prototyping Prostheses

Technological areas

  1. Design and drive technology.
  2. Electronic modules, myo- and neurointerfaces.
  3. Soft: gesture recognition, neural networks, alternative methods of prosthesis control.
  4. Sensory brush sensation.
  5. New materials and batteries.
  6. IoT and telemedicine in prosthetics and rehabilitation.
  7. VR, AR, MR and any other types of realities in rehabilitation.
  8. Invasive technology.

Bid evaluation

The goal of the competition is to find and introduce new unexpected solutions and technologies that no one even thought of applying in prostheses and subsequent rehabilitation.

We consider applications from idea to a prototype. Key evaluation criteria:

  1. The usefulness of the solution for the user.
  2. The level of technical study (idea / prototype).
  3. Realizability at the series level for 1 year.
  4. The desire of the author (team) to continue the implementation of the project, with our support.

Have something to offer from other areas? Apply now!

Prize fund

  1. Two command or nominal scholarships of 200.000 rubles each and one 100.000 rubles for the creation of MVP and confirmation of the project’s market potential for 6 months.
  2. Production and expert support of the company Motorika .
  3. Employment in our team to implement the project for the summer of 2018 and then whenever possible the winners.
  4. Assistance in creating a joint venture and its promotion in existing development institutions (Innovation Assistance Fund, Skolkovo, NTI).


  1. High school students.
  2. Students and graduate students of technical and medical universities.
  3. Students of prosthetic colleges.
  4. Teams consisting of the above categories from the Russian Federation and the CIS.

Contest site:
Applications are accepted until May 31, 2018.

Thanks for your support!

Team Motility
Team Motility


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