You have a great idea for ICO, and what's next?

Only the lazy one now does not think about how to come up with his idea on ICO, and find himself on the crest of a wave with such successful projects as Tezos, Bancor, SONM, etc. Judging by the stories and articles, everything should be very simple - as if by a wave magic wand, after you voice your idea, investors from all over the world come to you to give money for the implementation of your brilliant plan. If you look from afar, without glasses (the presence of myopia in this situation is necessary) and do not take into account a ton of work and sleepless nights, then in the previous sentence only one word “voiced” strains. After you said this word in your head, the brain immediately began to analyze and ask questions - where, to whom, when (of course, we assume that you already have what to voice). So, a month before Presale (which seemed like an instant to us), we finally came to realize that we have an idea, there is its presentation in the presentation, even a decent White Paper was written, but there is no one to show it ...

In the shock mode, we made quite a useful, in my opinion, table of actual resources, and in general, preparation for the ICO, and then continued to edit and supplement it ... So, we want to share with you this wonderful table :) Yes, yes, we so kind! It would, of course, be very cool if startups going to ICO supplemented and commented on the existing table - so we can more effectively promote worthwhile ideas!

Table Link - ICO Marketing

To begin with, we have compiled a list of things needed for the presentation of our project - a website, promo, presentation and White Paper. After that, we walked through the most important resources and painstakingly filled out information about the upcoming presale. At the same time we worked with journalists and publishing houses and, of course, did not forget about social services. network. And now a little more about each of the items.


The site should be clear, simple, but at the same time made with high quality. The site must have links to the presentation materials and White Paper, preferably in several prominent visitor locations. Also, so that the audience does not exactly forget about when your sale begins, make a counter that will remind each time how many days, hours, minutes are left until your ICO, and after the start of the sale, when it ends. You can also make a subscription to send interested news and, of course, reminders of when the ICO will finally begin. Jokes are jokes, and many people in the confusion really forget about sales, which are not so long, and then bite their elbows with tears in their eyes.


On one page you should clearly, clearly and attractively state the essence of the project so that your aunt has no questions left, but only admiration for the project. Promo is a first impression and material for not very advanced, so I repeat once again - simple and beautiful.


One of the most important things on the ICO, as the promo will be seen at a glance, 1% will reach White Paper, but almost everyone will see the presentation. Therefore, the presentation is your everything, your business card, and therefore no mistakes, everything is stylish and clear. And do not forget the basic rule of all good presentations - one thought - one slide.

White paper

The main document, which should be made very well and in great detail, explain everything - how you do it, why and why. Yes, White Paper, as I wrote above, will get 1%, but these will be the people whose opinion they are likely to listen to, as well as the people who will ask the most correct questions and elicit all the details of the project (which are good, must be painted).


I will highlight a separate item, because it is very important. ICO - crowdfunding for the whole world, and therefore, to neglect the translation - it means, to lose a huge audience. In the table we indicate the main languages ​​of buyers of Coins and tokens in descending order. Ideally, everything should be translated (unfortunately, the built-in Google translator does not help - it is terrible, we tried) - and here you can just make a bounty program (although no one can guarantee the quality to you).

Ico calendars

The main source of news about upcoming ICO for cryptoinvestors. We found a lot, some of them were thrown out, the sites turned out to be outdated / not working / viral and present you a list of the most relevant. It is clear that this list is constantly changing and it needs to be replenished and deleted too much.

Social networks

After the site, the presentation and White Paper, the investor will study your community, which ideally should support the project, ask the right questions, argue and comment on the updates, in general, live. The most popular channels for maintaining your community are telegrams, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Communicate with people, ask for their opinions, tell them how the project is progressing. And, if they believe in you, they will invest in you.
Perhaps the most important part of the activity of any project that goes to ICO is the transparency of the team’s work. For a potential investor, it is important to know for making a decision - how the team works, how the project is developing, in which it wants to invest money. Do not be afraid to cover everything: photos from the next meeting, changes in the prototype, the creation of a new feature, the next version of one-pager or the appearance of a new employee in the team.

Profile forums

The main platform for conveying ICO ideas is bitcointalk. Do not forget to register in advance and participate in the forum, because as soon as starting with the Junior Member you will be able to arrange a branch with your project beautifully and with pictures. Do not forget to arrange everything correctly and place it in the necessary branches - we indicated in the table which ones.

The second most important forum is reddit. There, too, need to be placed in the profile branches, but different branches can still have their own rules, so register in advance and earn a reputation.


The most attractive at the moment a platform for posting articles. People are interested to know how the project lives, and not only from news 100 characters long, Longrida about how the project was born, or how the team is struggling with any difficulties increases the level of trust.


Do not forget to order good articles from journalists and do not be afraid to write in large editions if you have a really worthwhile project. Such things attract quite large investors.


Well, and, of course, do not forget about advertising, although this is strictly now. The main platforms, such as Google, Facebook and Yandex, are under pressure from above, who are up in arms against brilliant ideas and reject all advertising campaigns in which even the slightest hint of ICO is present. If you buy traffic, then be careful and better send it to the site-layer, which will be links to your project. In this case, the conversion will be far from ideal, but it will allow you to immediately get access to a global audience.

Good luck! And may the force be with you!


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