Auto Digest: Automotive History, Pilotless Technologies and Telematics

Hi GT! Today I have collected for you a digest of 20 materials on the development of automotive technology and the industry as a whole. Under the cut there are articles on how to hack a car, why autoclubs have arisen and why automakers have a blockchain.

Technologies in the automotive industry

How it works: API for insurance companies
The Internet of Things, connected cars and the digitalization of all areas of activity have allowed to accumulate significant amounts of data. API benefits to benefit from big data. An article about what APIs are used by insurance companies and what are the prospects for this area.

LiDAR - "new eyes" for unmanned vehicles
Wired material on the LiDAR system, which is being developed by the 22-year-old Austin Russell, CEO of Luminar Technologies. His system sees 10 times further, and has 50 times more resolution than similar solutions on the market. This is a material about the potential of technology.

Why automakers blockchain
Five yuzkeys in which the blockchain can have an impact on the quality and safety of a car: from tracking the authenticity of parts to charging electric cars.

Paper is no longer needed: how electronic TCP will change the market
In the middle of summer, when all the necessary regulations are adopted, the transition to electronic TCP will be completed in Russia. From this material you will learn what will be written in the new passports of vehicles and how this will affect the procedure for buying / selling cars.

Billion-dollar device: how LiDAR Velodyne was created
This is the story of David Hall (David Hall), one of the participants in the DARPA Grand Challenge , whose goal is to create fully autonomous vehicles. The story of how LiDAR Velodyne was implemented, used today by companies such as Uber, Apple, Google and even Caterpillar.

Will flying cars become a reality?
Probably, they will, however, this will have to overcome a number of difficulties: to ensure safe take-off and landing, to resolve the issue of the noise level in cities, etc.

Historical summaries

Smart cars: the story of the sequel
The “intellectual abilities” of machines have evolved over half a century. The fantasies of the engineers of the past were reflected in the cinema - films about Agent 007 with "heaped" cars and the series "The Knight of the roads" with the KITT car that can talk. An article about how some of these fantasies come to life with the help of modern technology.

Time Machine: Automotive Technology
From "self-propelled carts" and hot rods to connected cars and autopilot vehicles. This article is a straight line, which highlights key technologies and bright engineering ideas that influenced the automotive industry: electric starter, power steering, 3-speed automatic transmission, etc.

Century history of the development of automotive safety
The creators of the first vehicle safety driver and passengers was clearly not in priority - some cars did not even have the floor, and the steering column tried to pierce the chest driver in case of an accident. Engaged in the safety of cars began only closer to the middle of the XX century: put reliable brakes, work out body parts. Later, passive and active safety systems appeared. The author of the article tells how these technologies developed and what impact they had on the modern industry.

Autoclubs: how they appeared
Some automotive clubs act as a kind of “hobby groups”, while others provide members with certain discounts and auto services. Under the link you will find a story about when and why autoclubs appeared in the USA, Europe and Russia.

Modern automotive industry - educational program. Prologue
What is the Electronic Control Unit? What is the difference between automotive and automation? Why is the car "on-board computer" not so? This material is the first part of a collection of observations collected by the author over five years of work in the German and European automotive industry.

Photo by: jill CC

Telematics and monitoring

How technology transforms the insurance industry
Autopilot vehicles exclude the driver from the "insurance equation". Because of this, many questions arise, in particular, who is responsible for the damage caused in the event of an accident? An article about the difficulties associated with the answer to this question, and what additional types of insurance may appear in the automotive industry (for example, insurance against hacker hacking).

Tesla will change the insurance market. Or not
At the beginning of last year, Tesla offered its customers to pay all planned maintenance and insurance costs immediately upon purchasing an electric vehicle. Under the link, the author discusses the potential of the initiative and the reaction of the American insurance community to it, as well as how viable a similar approach is in Russian realities.

Our roads: we understand what telematics gives in auto insurance
Freight carriers have been using such monitoring for more than ten years. However, in the field of auto insurance, telematics is only beginning to gain momentum, albeit at a rapid pace - experts note that by 2020 the number of users of insurance telemetry in Russia will increase to 2 million. The author tells who offers this service, how it works and how profitable it is.

Why smart insurance still doesn't work
Special applications for smartphones and telematics devices allow you to read and analyze the behavior of the car on the road. Due to this, neat drivers can save on insurance. It is profitable and popular in the west. In our country everything is different. The article contains the main aspects hindering the development of “smart” insurance in Russia.

How technology can "cut off" the cost of insurance
Video recorders, telematics devices and autonomous transport - what impact does each of these technologies have on the insurance industry?

Road safety

More serious vulnerabilities: new experiment from hackers Jeep
In 2015, researchers Charlie Miller (Charlie Miller) and Chris Valasek (Chris Valasek) were able to remotely hack a Jeep car with the Wired editor behind the wheel, driving on the highway. Hackers "played" with the wipers, changed the volume of the audio system, and even turned off the engine. Then the experiment led to the recall of one and a half million cars to update the firmware. So Charlie and Chris presented a new set of dangerous attacks on the same car. One thing pleases, while scientists have failed to implement them remotely.

Car Hacker's Handbook
Modern cars have been computerized more than ever: info-systems, navigation, Wi-Fi, etc. However, these technologies are not keeping pace with the development of hacking tools. In the Car Hacker's Handbook detailed description of the electronic systems of the car and firmware. The book begins with an overview of the vulnerabilities and packet transmission principles over the CAN bus, and ends with the creation of test benches for testing hacking techniques.

How to build the first unmanned vehicle
The developers at Cruise created software for unmanned vehicles and demonstrated its performance on the night roads of San Francisco — this video captures five scheduled stops, zero driver interventions and one raccoon. In an article on Medium, the Cruise team tells how the unmanned vehicles themselves are assembled on an industrial scale.

V2V, V2I, technology and the possible future of road transport
About technologies that can be used in the automotive industry in the near future: car-to-car communications (V2V) and interaction with infrastructure elements (V2I). What they can do, how they are implemented, when to wait in the market.

Blockchain - a distributed security solution for unmanned cars
The work of scientists from Australia, USA, etc., in which they describe the model of the architecture of an unmanned vehicle based on distributed registries. Blockchain will have to protect the privacy of users and electronic systems of the machine from hacker attacks.


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