The short film "Cradle" appeared in the public domain.

Recently, the film “Cradle”, released in 2016, has appeared in free access. A short (25 minutes) ribbon tells of another expedition to the ISS and the fact that astronauts and astronauts are left on Earth.

Under the cut a brief review of the film.

The fact that the tape was filmed with the participation of RSC Energia and the Cosmonaut Training Center is excellent, the technical side looks good, and the blunders are rather small. When removing the camera moves in such a way that creates a feeling of rotation of the rocket around the longitudinal axis. But in reality, the Soyuz ships will start from two launch tables at Baikonur, which can rotate. In the first versions of the rocket, this was due to limitations of the control system, and now the opportunity is used for convenience. The turn after the start is familiar to American technology, for example, the Space Shuttles turned very actively and noticeably. Further, showing the launch, in the film they forgot about a very noticeable "kick" of separating the ship from the third stage (from 17:10).

A story with a transition to manual control looks a bit unrealistic - “I don’t like something” doesn’t seem like a rational reason. In reality, the most recent accident with the transition to manual control was in 2015 when docked with the ISS Soyuz TMA-19M. Because of the pressure drop in one of the engines, the orientation of the automatics gave a command to the departure of the ship. The MCC first responded by commanding to switch to manual control, which the astronauts did and, if not on the first attempt, successfully docked.

There is a recording without simultaneous translation , but the sound is much worse there.

At the same time, it is clear that the filmmakers are versed in space issues and love it. The joke about “The ISS terminal station, the train does not go any further, please release the wagons” is a noticeable only for people “in the subject line” quote from the Union of TMA-08M docking in 2013.

It is remarkable that computer graphics has reached a level where it is beautiful even without a budget, and there are no better scenery than simulators on which they are preparing for real flights. In general, I liked the technical and visual parts.

The scenario and psychological component of the case is somewhat worse. Of course, in a short film it is difficult to show the character of the character, the lack of time for the disclosure of the facets of the character forcedly produces simplified, cheap popular prints. And here there is a suspicion that two such obvious melancholic people from the crew would have been rejected even while selecting for cosmonauts. At the station, camera work causes almost a suspense - it is dark and the music is disturbing, then the fire extinguisher will be shown. By the way, contrary to the classics, a gun hanging on the wall will not shoot, and why it was shown to us is not clear.

By the way, in the dialogue about the equation (or the formula, it does not matter) Drake has a rather unpleasant mistake - many parameters of this formula are still unknown, and, depending on the tastes of the counting person, you can get very different results (for more details see “Swan, cancer and pike as solutions to the Fermi paradox ” ).

The main drama of the drama makes you wonder if you would have let Anatoly into space with such potential stress? In an interview with cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov, there is information that news was concealed from the crew that could upset them, but in at least one case, the death of a relative was reported to the cosmonaut immediately. Well, the transition from a very sad news to cosmic beauty looks like the opposition of earthly and cosmic with the ethical victory of the Earth. In my opinion, it would be worth reducing the heat of drama here. For example, one of the possible options is that the hero's wife died some time before the flight, the severity of the pain dulled a bit, and he is able to do work relatively normally, remembering her.

But the final I would replace with the text on another scene. Millions of lives are abstract, but a meeting with a concrete, even in the singular, a saved person after returning to Earth would look, in my opinion, much better. I think the general scenario idea is correct - as long as we do not know whether it will be possible to learn how to grow squirrels or crystals with special, useful properties in space, but we need to work in this direction.

In general, in my opinion, the merits of the film outweigh the disadvantages. It is impossible not to rejoice at the fact that there are people who are interested in making a good and high-quality cinema about astronautics.


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