Where to buy radio components and components? Part I: Russia

Let's talk about buying electronic components on the Internet. I have compiled a list of interesting domestic and foreign stores:

a) who are sharpened by DIY lovers and make their own cool products: designers, modules, training courses, etc .;

b) for pros, with a wide range of electronic components.

A frame from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

Note: the author is in no way associated with the stores listed below. All information is taken from official sites, or is the personal impressions of the author. The estimate of the number of positions in the assortment is taken from the request to Google.

Amperka , Moscow


What is interesting shop:

DCO "Electronics Engineer" , Moscow


The store is interesting with a good assortment of microcontrollers and single board computers. In addition to the above, Onion's line of DFRobot products is sold in Russia.

Quartz , Moscow

There are two retail outlets in Moscow: one at 4 bus stops from Metro Elektrozavodskaya, the second - right by the metro Shosse Entuziastov. In the store you can consult.

Mitinsky radio market (relevant only for Muscovites)

Despite the fact that most of the areas are occupied by iPhone and vape dealers, and the “wild” market has long been torn down, something interesting can be found on Mitinsky:

You can go to the market on weekends, only early, in my opinion, by five or six in the evening, sellers begin to diverge. The lack of a market is that it is located outside the Moscow Ring Road and is far from the subway.

Tsar Conder

Chip and Dip , Moscow

Advantages and disadvantages:

In fact, not everything is expensive here, I recommend to compare prices in advance and look at the situation. Recently I bought a holder from them for 30% cheaper than in China .

Freeduino , Kemerovo

Freeduino is an open source, fully Arduino-compatible board and shield. On the site you can buy them in finished form and in the form of sets for assembly. There are interesting things, for example, Freeduino MaxSerial - Arduino with RS-232 interface.

Ekits.ru , Mary El, Propulsion Zvenigovo

The store offers not only a good selection of radio components, microcircuits, tools and materials, but also ready-made modules : lighting control, thermostats, charging modules, etc.

iarduino.ru , Moscow


What is interesting:


In one line:

More to read

Post prepared by DIY-community Mail.ru. Subscribe to our Youtube channel and Telegram channel (rebroadcast to VK group ).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/411813/

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