How the Internet is arranged on the ships of “Dobroflot”

“More More Sea” sang a famous entertainer. The sea from here from the shore looks romantic, and the sailors of long voyage are heroes of adventure books and films. However, this is for us the inhabitants of the sea - this is solid romance. In fact, it is hard daily work. There, in the endless turquoise deserts of water, thousands of different vessels, from cargo to fishing, ply. And they all need a connection between themselves and the mainland. How the Internet signal is provided on the ships and will be discussed.

NAG is one of the largest suppliers of telecommunication equipment in Russia, and one of our counterparties is Dobroflot, a company specializing in catching sea fish and producing canned food. Dobroflot owns 15 large fishing vessels, six refrigerated transport vessels, as well as three fish processing plants. Among them is the largest in Russia "Vsevolod Sibirtsev."

More than five hundred people work at the floating plant “Vsevolod Sibirtsev” - as the population of a small village - and all these people, in addition to daily work, need rest and information from their native shores. In the sea, this can only be ensured by the Internet and television via satellite.

A television

Sailors also like to watch television, so a beautiful picture from the shore on ships is very necessary. For the reception of satellite TV-signal, special dedicated satellite antennas with auto-tracking, brand SeaTel, are installed. The floating bases use more powerful equipment that can not only receive but also transmit a signal.

Then the signal from the satellite dish is distributed to the crew cabins using the distribution and switching system. A satellite receiver is installed in each cabin, which allows you to receive a full package of television channels in accordance with the tariff plan. Usually, this is at least 40 television channels.

Personnel from Vsevolod Sibirtsev. As you can see, the TV in the cabin works great.

As satellite receivers on such vessels, as a rule, GI Matrix are used, to which TVs are already connected.

Floating bases, where hundreds of people live and work, the equipment for receiving satellite signal also forms a set of television channels in a standard analog format. Further analog channels through the cable network fall into all public places and cabins of the vessel. As a rule, the resulting set has at least 14 television channels.

On the most technically equipped ship “Dobroflot”, the floating base “Vsevolod Sibirtsev”, more advanced users can use the IP-TV service, which is received via the wired and wireless networks of the ship to personal computers, smartphones and tablets.

Ordinary personnel cabins on mining vessels. As you can see - there is a telephone, TV and the Internet.

Satellite communications equipment plows on ships around the clock. The satellite TV reception service can be interrupted only in cases when the satellite dish (depending on the ship’s course) is shaded for a short time by the vessel’s masts from the communication satellite, and also when the area in which the fishing is conducted is outside the satellite communication satellite broadcasting area.
Orion Express is the main supplier of satellite TV in the Far Eastern region and adjacent offshore areas. ” Its broadcast in the Far East "Orion Express" is through a communications satellite "Express AM5."

Other satellite TV operators are also present in the region, but they do not provide effective satellite reception in the marine area adjacent to the region.

the Internet

Internet access to ships also via satellite. Until recently, on the ships of the Dobroflot, the Internet was available only on three mother ships. Now, in cooperation with ORANGE, works are being carried out to equip all the company's ships with satellite receiving-transmitting terminals SAILOR 900.

Installation of SAILOR 900

Sailor 900 is a ship earth station, the basis of which is a modern Ku-band sea stabilized antenna (from 10.7 to 14.5 GHz) with high performance. The antenna case protects equipment from UV light and prevents dust and splashes from entering.

All telecommunications equipment on the Dobroflot ships is housed in telecommunication cabinets. The power supply of all the iron is reserved using uninterruptible power supplies. The entire hull of the vessel is permeated with copper fiber-optic switching lines. There is also a wireless network on the ships, which ensure the operation of several Wi-Fi access points.

Internet on fishing boats is needed not only for the entertainment of the crew. First of all, it helps to ensure stable operation of corporate services of the company: e-mail, telephony, data exchange and a number of other services.

Thanks to satellite communications, all divisions of the Dobroflot group of companies can work in a single virtual corporate network at sea and on land. This makes it possible to launch any corporate applications, and also allows the crew to use the whole range of communication and entertainment services without significant restrictions, which allows creating more comfortable working conditions in long voyages.

In other words, the Internet is now vital, even where, as scientists say, life itself was once born. All stable signal even far away!


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