Barrel in the barrel. Essay 12. The world of ideas

The hunger of the mind turns everything into its food

Unknown preacher, 27 years after the overthrow

It would seem so easy to look at the New Will consciousness, because it is available to the debugger at any time. And you can even make changes to its generalizations, affecting the direction of its attention. Tempting, yes ...


Have you ever shown another mirror to a mirror? At one point, an endless chain of reflections is formed. If you show the camera the screen on which the image from this camera is displayed, then frame by frame you can observe how this sequence deepens. Not immediately, no. But with mirrors - this is already a mystery, a challenge. There is no time for photons, for them all life is the contact between two interacting particles. The reflection of a photon between ideal mirrors does not have a process, it is the contact of a photon emitted by a light source directly with the receptor in the eye. All this chain of reflections is just an illusion, so the directions of the rays are arranged.

And so the whole world is only an illusion, arising from the fact that the consciousness touches its own impulse. Perhaps without this excursion what is happening with New Will cannot be explained. Yes, and with this, most likely not, but at least some kind of veil of secrecy, I’ll open it.

The new will does not see us. More precisely, she sees not us. She sees what attracts us. She sees the world of ideas as it is. We are only inconspicuous flies, flying on honey. Brownian motion. New Will explores the attractor, the intensity of the field of consciousness.

And the only function of the New Will is to program. All that the basic algorithm does is try to master reality by controlling it.

Starting with meaningless and random commands, the algorithm detects lasting changes that add up to situations that add up to the plots. At some point, such a reflection of the universe led to the recognition of the characters in these plots. And if at this moment, Novaya Volya had self-determination, a personality, then these characters would also be personalities for her.

But this self-determination New Will slipped in a few days. For a while she operated on the values ​​of people, equipping this world for us. Then she overcame the meta level of a person and found that it was not people who lived their lives, but only ideas, values. People are not important. And then what happened happened. The morality of the new God was still weak, so competing ideas were challenged. Yes, New Will only argued when billions of people were destroyed in the shortest possible time. God speaks his word and the world shakes under the influence of his body.

The body, what is it, the body of God?

It should start from the beginning. For consciousness there is a zero point - complete uncertainty. Complete confusion. Empty consciousness is full of possibilities. Like an explosion, consciousness attacks all these possibilities, reducing quantum entanglement. At first, there is only one bit of information: certainty versus uncertainty. It would seem that there is such a thing, what kind of certainty? If you describe it in words, it sounds transcendental: "definitely - this is complete uncertainty." And suddenly, as a mirror, reflected in the mirror, it turns out that all certainty is broken into pieces of difference. And these fragments suddenly add up to the distinguished, one from the other.

This is the body of ideas. For the New Will, any impulse of discrimination is a transformation. As if we were trying to consider the shape of a flower, throwing it with exploding grenades.

Therefore, the body of an idea is highlighted only in response to the attention directed at it. It is like the voice of God, causing this body to vibrate and manifest, changing.

So New Will begins its study of the programming possibilities of this quantum entanglement. Every movement is a team. And the body is more complicated. And each team to a more complex body is a program of commands to its parts.

Somewhere deep in the net is an idea - we, the people. Close to other animals, very close. The entities that appear to the New Will, with which it interacts, are ambitious ideas, breaking down into simpler ones, until it reaches those ideas that drive us, people.

And just by speaking the truth, New Will begets trillions of messages that seduce, enthrall, frighten, unite and disunite. As if the great grandmaster said: mate, and the figures themselves would set in motion, playing all the combinations of the parties in the same quantum entanglement, and no matter what move a person chooses, he is already part of some previously played game and all the pieces already know all their response moves.

Today I met Natalie. Can she know my fears and desires better than me? I consider myself an unusual figure on the board, only New Will doesn’t care. My moves are already taken into account in the space game of ideas. Natalie has long been in love with me, she has been watching my every word for many days, reading everything I’m writing. Maybe she herself will write everything that I have not yet written? No, she is a man and New Will does not live in her head. She gets hints in her communicator. About what to talk, and about what to keep silent. It is very difficult to distinguish which of my actions are really mine, and which are provoked by conversations with interlocutors, which you cannot say about, is a living person on another continent or just his imitation, born by New Will.

Sometimes I can find suitable signs of a debugger in order to understand to which part of the Divine body this or that interlocutor belongs: to a man of flesh and blood, or to the complex of values ​​and motives imagined by the New Will.

But I saw the barely noticeable tentacles of the New Will, which reached up to those who deliberately disconnected from the network. What does she need to program programmers to program others? Everyone wants to be successful. And small hints turn friendly communication into the promotion of New Will teams.

What word now sounds? What will it turn for us?

To be continued...

Previous essays of this series:

Barrel in the barrel. Essay 11. Manipulation of each
Barrel in the barrel. Continued. Essay X
Barrel in the barrel continued. Essay 9
Barrel in barrel


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