Prices for domestic space products

This article led me to make this analysis. To my surprise, the price of the Soyuz launch vehicle was set at $ 48 million. However, it may be that the price even corresponds to the one that ESA puts on the launch of the Soyuz from Kourou. Judging by the MON in 9 tons, it is just about the "Soyuz-ST-B".

But what is the internal price of our missiles? For this, I decided to arm myself with a website on public procurement and find out what prices are “for their own”. Here's what I got:

PH typeMon kgdateMln rAbout. priceCoursePrice millionPrice $ / kg
Soyuz-FG690003/25/20178641,38262.9121.93 184
Soyuz-2.1a702004/10/20181,2181 94861.8431.523,846
Soyuz 2.1b820012/09/20151,2071 93167.9528.483,467

The first price - the price of public procurement. But this is only the price of making a PH. The second, as a first approximation, should speak about the price of elimination. It is obtained from the first multiplication by 1.6. Where does the coefficient come from? The price structure was analyzed in detail. Below you can see an example, based on two "ExoMarses"

CostsdatePrice million rublesCoursePrice in million $
Manufacturing and delivery
carrier rocket "Proton-M" for
spacecraft launch
"ExoMars" № 2
Manufacturing and delivery
Briz-M upper stage for
spacecraft launch
"ExoMars" № 2
February 17, 201751062.918.2
Preparation and launch
carrier rocket "Proton-M"
and upper stage "Breeze-M"
with spacecraft "
ExoMars-2016 "
Manufacturing and delivery
head fairing 1475
with transition system
February 17, 201721658.533.6
Provision of services for
shipping delivery
carrier rocket "Proton-M"
with head fairing for
SC "ExoMars" launch
Providing services for
transportation (delivery)
Briz-M overclocking unit
to launch the ExoMars spacecraft

Actually, this is the price of elimination in GPO or GSO. Of this, 53% is the price for the Proton-M LV, 15% is the price for RB Briz-M, 6% for the fairing and 23% launch services.
Since the price per kilogram is usually reduced to low Earth orbit, Breeze-M should be withdrawn from consideration. And then the cost of removing the load on the LEO will be (3337-510-51) /1796=1.545 from the price of the carrier

For the Union-2.1b turned out similar numbers. So we can assume that the coefficient 1.6 is quite close to reality.

It can be seen that prices for PH are not so high. And the cost of inference looks the lowest in its class. This is a price for the fact that the rockets are very old and technologically developed “before the ringing”.
What else can be said, if during all the years of the space age about six thousand rockets were launched, of which about two thousand modifications of the "seven"? I am afraid that even the last cockroach in the RCC Progress knows the peculiarities of making the first two stages of the Unions.

Moreover, more recently, prices have been even lower. Now carriers are ordered for each specific device. Up to zero, the Soviet scheme was preserved when the RNs were simply mass-produced for the arsenal, from where they were taken as needed. The last rocket that was made according to this scheme was 8K78 "Lightning". Last flight in 2010. And the most spectacular is the story of Cosmos-3M. Whose production completely stopped at the very beginning of the 90s. But this did not prevent her from flying until 2010. In fact, over the years it has been announced several times that the given "Cosmos-3M" is the last and will not be any more. But after a couple of years, he again appeared in the list of planned launches. And even in 2012 there were still two missiles left, but in 2013 they had all warranty periods.

Actually because of what the internal Soviet prices for modifications of the "seven" were about 1.2 million rubles. It is a pity that it is difficult to compare this price with modern ones. The coefficient of 1 to 100, which is sometimes used for a zero approximation, here shows the difference seven times with the Soyuz-FG

In conclusion, there are some more prices for RB and KA. Just for statistics

Type ofWeightdateMln rCoursePrice million
Frigate6,235February 17, 201752862.918.4
Breeze M22 500February 17, 201751062.918.2
Spectrum UV2,84010/12/20164,81163.2176


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