As an enthusiast, get a radio call sign and start celebrating April 18

April 18, all progressive humanity celebrates Radio Amateur Day.

It so happened that I have been involved in the amateur radio movement since 1979. Like most of my peers, I began my journey on the air by working at a collective radio station. There I learned how to conduct radio communications and gained basic radio communication skills. By the end of high school, I assembled a transceiver Radio 76 from the designer and received an individual call sign.

I found my mentors in the radio circle. Someone met a mentor while serving in the communications troops. Someone worked as a radio operator in the fleet and found his mentor there. In any case, there was a meeting with an enthusiast on the life course of a radio amateur.

Why with an enthusiast? Because it is so according to the official wording of Clause 1.3 of Order No. 184 of July 26, 2012 of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation: “The amateur service and the amateur satellite service (hereinafter the amateur service) in the Russian Federation is a radio communication service for self-improvement purposes , mutual communication and technical research carried out by amateurs, that is, persons who have the appropriate permission and are engaged in radio engineering solely from personal interest and without extracting the material you ode ". In fact, the existence of radio amateurs on the territory of the Russian Federation was legalized by this order.

Despite the widespread availability of Internet and cellular communications, radio amateurs quite exist for themselves. Someone receives reception of rare and very remote broadcast stations (DX-ing), someone communicates in the CBS range from his car, and someone conducts radio communications on the amateur bands.

To understand whether you are interested in amateur radio communication, you need to listen to the broadcast, watching the work of other radio amateurs. For this, before it was necessary to have a home antenna and a radio observer receiver, since The work of radio amateurs cannot be accepted to a broadcast receiver with HF bands. Now you can find the WebSDR receiver on the Internet and listen to the broadcast from it. I must say that the hearing of the ether is fascinating. The ether lives its own life: among the noises, a weak signal from a distant radio station suddenly appears, a powerful echo of a wave that has flown around the globe from the other side. It still seems like a miracle to me ...

If amateur air is your everything, if you are ready to spend time and money on transceivers, antennas and radio communication sessions, then you need to complete several formalities:

  1. Pass an exam on the category.
  2. Get a call sign.
  3. Register a transceiver.

The functions of the Telecommunications Administration in the Russian Federation are performed by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation . Control of the amateur service is entrusted to the two subordinate organizations of the ministry, Roskomnadzor and the Main Radio Frequency Center (FSUE GRES). Roskomnadzor keeps records of amateur radio electronic means (RES). FSUE “GRES” forms call signs of identification (gives out to radio amateurs call signs) and monitors the proper use of radio frequencies and radio electronic means for civilian use.

The procedure for the formation of call signs is established by order of 12.01.2012 No. 4 of the RF Ministry of Communications and Mass Media. Requirements for amateur radio-electronic systems, as well as the distribution of frequency bands for them, types of work and allowable capacities are specified in the SCRF decision of July 15, 2010 No. 10-07-01. The solution has several editions.

The European Conference of Postal and Communication Administrations ( CEPT ) recommends the member countries three types of amateur radio licenses: entry level licenses; license novice (novice); full license.

Four radio amateur qualification categories have been introduced in the Russian Federation:

  1. The first qualification category corresponds to the full CEPT T / R 61-01 license. To obtain it, you must pass the theoretical exam on the full license program CEPT T / R 61-02 (HAREC), correctly answering 40 questions out of 45 in 90 minutes. The practical part of the exam consists of receiving no more than three errors, radiograms of 250 (50 groups of 5) characters at a speed of 60 characters per minute;
  2. the second qualification category corresponds to the full CEPT T / R 61-01 license. To obtain it, you must pass the theoretical exam on the full license program CEPT T / R 61-02 (HAREC), correctly answering 25 questions out of 30 in 60 minutes;
  3. the third qualification category corresponds to the novice license ECC (05) 06. To obtain it, you must pass the theoretical exam for the novice license program ERC32 (ARNEC), correctly answering 20 questions out of 25 in 60 minutes;
  4. the fourth qualification category of conformity of any license CERT does not have. To obtain it, you need to pass the theoretical exam for the entry-level license program ECC 89, correctly answering 15 questions out of 20 in 60 minutes.

Questions for the exams are simple. The list of exam questions is posted on the GRES website. On the website of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia, you can pass a test exam . Personally, I used to prepare for the exam with this Android application. In principle, it is possible to prepare for the second category exam in a few days. Exam for the third category is even easier. Why would someone need the fourth category, I do not know ...

You can pass the qualification exam in two places:

  1. the qualification commission of the local branch of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia: you need to find contacts on the SRR website , agree on the time and place of delivery with the chairman of the qualification commission and pass the exam;
  2. at the local branch of FSUE “GRCHS”: you need to find contacts on the website of the Emergency Situations Center , arrange an exam, conclude an agreement, pay for services under the contract, pass an exam.

The difference here is not only that the services of the EMEA are paid. The RAF may simply disagree on taking the exam for the second (first) category if the applicant does not have the length of service of the third (second) category from the point of view of the RAF at the time of passing the test. The HRFS does not put forward any additional requirements on the applicant: he has paid the exam for the required category, pass it.

As a result of a successful qualifying exam, an extract from the exam report must appear on your hands. A scan of this statement and the application for the formation of the identification call sign is filed through the applicant 's office of the FSUE GRES. The process of call sign formation lasts from two to 14 days. The certificate on the formation of a call sign can then be downloaded in electronic form from the applicant's office.

Now you have six months to register your transceiver (amateur radio-electronic system) at the local Roskomnadzor branch, which I hope has already been bought or assembled independently.
The registration procedure of the RES: find the site of the territorial division of Roskomnadzor. Find in the menu the item “Direction of activity” - “Permissive work” - “Registration of RES and HFD”. The application forms for the registration of the RES and the list of performance characteristics are here somewhere. Fill out the forms, attach the printout of the certificate of education callsign, agree on the method of delivery, send. The transceiver itself is not necessary. You are waiting for a call from Roskomnadzor that the certificate of registration of the RES is ready.


  1. You have confirmed compliance with the minimum qualification requirements.
  2. For you formed the call sign identification.
  3. Your amateur res registered.

Connect the antenna and go on the air. You have officially become a radio amateur! April 18 is your holiday! Someday you will become that enthusiast ...

PS It should be noted that the form of the TTX list is the most incomprehensible document to fill out in this whole bureaucratic epic, especially if the transceiver is homemade. Therefore, I will give an example of filling

Fill example
Homemade transceiver:

p.1 Type = "amateur RES"
p.2 Name = "homemade transceiver"
p.3 Factory (serial, accounting) number = "b / n"
p.4 Year of manufacture = not filled
p.5 Manufacturer = not filled

Purchased transceiver:

p.1 Type = "amateur RES"
p.2 Name = exact name from the Register of RES and HFD
p.3 Factory (serial, accounting) number = <factory number>
p.4 Year of manufacture = <year of manufacture>
p.5 Manufacturer = exact name from the Register of RES and RFI

Further, for all amateur res in the same way:

p.6 Identification call sign = <call sign>
p.7 Operating conditions (stationary, portable, wearable) = <operating conditions>
p.8 Address of the installation site (location area in the absence of the address) = <installation address or location area>
p.9 Geographic latitude of the installation site, degrees, min. = <latitude of installation site>
p.10 Geographic longitude of the installation site, degrees, min. = <installation site longitude>
p.11 Name of the spacecraft (SV) and its point of standing (deg.) = not filled
p.12 Operating frequencies of transmission / reception of radio-electronic means (operating frequency band of a high-frequency device), MHz = “according to the available category”
p.13 Carrier frequency offset, Hz = not filled
p.14 Class of radiation = "according to the available category"
p.15 Power at the output of the transmitter of electronic means (power of the high-frequency device), W, or the effective isotropic radiated power of electronic means, dBW = <power>
p.16 Antenna type = "inclined" (vertical, traveling wave antenna, half-wave dipole, etc.)
pp.17 ... 24 = not filled
A.25 Category of amateur radio station = <category>

In the relevant paragraphs of the application for registration of the RES the same information is indicated.


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