Where to learn about artificial intelligence? Top world and Russian conferences

Deep Learning Summit from RE * WORK, 2017

In 2018, more than 350 conferences devoted to artificial intelligence and machine learning will be held in the world. Since neural networks as the main subject today are studied only in a few universities in the world, for many industry experts, such events are the main source of new knowledge.

According to the research portal Blog.standuply.com , the leader in AI conferences - the USA: 80 events will take place here; Great Britain lags behind by a large margin (29), Canada closes the top three (12). As for cities, London, the scientific and financial hub of Europe, won first place (28 events); in the second and third, American San Francisco and New York (20 and 10, respectively).

On the eve of our AI Conference, we decided to create a “guide” on AI conferences: a calendar of major international events, as well as a detailed schedule of Russian events.

Major Foreign Events

In 2017, the Topbots.com portal ranked the largest world AI conferences. Most of them are annual, so we took their chart as a basis. For Russian events that do not yet fall into the western tops, we have made our calendar: it is in the next section.

Artifical Intelligence Conference from O'REILLY

Conference series; in 2018 takes place in four cities. They include presentations of speakers on current issues, as well as technical workshops and master classes. These events are largely focused on developers. They are attended by both recognized experts from the AI ​​sphere (Andrew Un, Peter Norvig), and “rising stars” of the industry: Rana El Kaliabi (CEO of Affectiv, who studies emotion recognition by computer) and Rachel Thomas (top manager and researcher of Fast AI). Events in 2018:

TitleA placedate
Artifical Intelligence ConferenceBeijing, China)April 10-13
New York, USA)April 29 - May 2
San Francisco (USA)September 4-7
London, England)October 8-11

Strata data conference

A young but actively growing series of events, also hosted by O'Reilly. Focused on the problem of “big data” in the context of developing AI. The New York conference lasts four days and gathers about 7,000 participants, the largest event in the industry. Strata Data Conference was also held in London, Singapore, San Jose. In 2018 there will be two cities:

TitleA placedate
Strata data conferenceLondon, England)May 21-24
New York, USA)September 11-13

Singularity University Summits

This series of events held annually in different cities was initiated by Raymond Kurzweil, an inventor and futurologist from the United States. Artificial intelligence here is only one of those, along with breakthrough technologies in finance, medicine and industrial production. The mission of the conferences is really similar to the mission of the university: the study of human and computer intellectual processes. Conferences are addressed to business. Series events in 2018:

TitleA placedate
SingularityU International SummitSydney, Australia)February 19-21
Prague, Czech Republic)March 5-6
Santiago (Chile)March 14-15
Sao Paulo (Brazil)April 23-24
Berlin, Germany)June 4-5
Bangkok (Thailand)June 19-20
Cascais (Portugal)October 8-9
Johannesburg (South Africa)October 15-16
Stockholm, Sweden)October 25-26

Conferences RE * WORK , a global event company specializing in AI and machine learning, Topbots.com recognized as the most informative. The company holds small events for a specialized audience: "Deep Learning In Finance Summit", "AI In Healthcare Summit", "AI For Government Summit". According to participants, at conferences they talk about new research and development of software and applications that use artificial intelligence. Jeffrey Hinton, Yann LeKoun, Joshua Bengio participated in the events of 2017. The target audience of RE * WORK is specialists and top managers of companies conducting research in the field of AI. Events in 2018:

TitleA placedate
Deep learning in
finance Summit
London, Great Britain)March 15-16
Deep Learning In Retail & Advertising SummitLondon, Great Britain)March 15-16
AI Assistant SummitLondon, Great Britain)March 15-16
Deep learning summitBoston (US)March 24-25
Deep Learning In Healthcare SummitBoston (US)March 24-25
Machine Intelligence SummitHong Kong (China)June 6-7
AI In Healthcare SummitHong Kong (China)June 6-7
AI In Industrial Automation SummitSan Francisco (USA)June 28-29
Deep Learning For Robotics SummitSan Francisco (USA)June 28-29
AI In Finance SummitNew York, USA)September 6-7
Deep Learning In Healthcare SummitLondon, Great Britain)September 20-21
Deep learning summitLondon, Great Britain)September 20-21
Deep learning summitToronto (Canada)October 25-26
AI For Government SummitToronto (Canada)October 25-26
Applied AI SummitHouston (US)November 29-30
Devops For Machine Learning SummitHouston (US)November 29-30

The AI ​​Sammit

The AI ​​Summit, 2017

This is a global network of conferences addressed to brands. The largest companies from the Fortune 500 list act as speakers and share their experience in introducing AI into business processes. This is not a technical event for developers; the idea is to transfer experience to companies that in their work face the same problems and challenges. The headliners of The AI ​​Sammit included experts from Coca-Cola and Wells Fargo - heads of innovation departments and experts in introducing the latest technologies. Conferences of this series in 2018 will be held in six cities.

TitledateA place
The AI ​​SammitLondon, Great Britain)June 13-14
Hong Kong (China)July 31 - August 1
San Francisco (USA)September 18-20
SingaporeSeptember 18-20
Cape Town (South Africa)November 13-15
New York, USA)December 5-6

Upcoming AI events in Russia

AI Conference 2018
Moscow, April 19

The conference is organized by our company. The main focus is on practical business solutions related to artificial intelligence: chat bots, computer recognition of faces and emotions, AI application in the automotive industry, voice search, translation. The speakers will be Dmitry Korobchenko (NVIDIA Machine Learning Engineer), Alexander Khanin (CEO of VisionLabs - a company that works in the field of pattern recognition), Sergey Lukashkin (Director of Digital Transformation Project Management at VTB Bank), Dmitry Babayev (researcher in the laboratory of artificial intelligence in Sberbank). A demo zone will operate at the event, an investment panel and a “battle of start-ups” will take place.

Watch cases on the implementation of the system from VisionLabs in education and banking.

Read the interview with Dmitry Babayev .

"Intelligent information technology in engineering and manufacturing"
Sochi, September 17 - 21

International Scientific Conference, organized with the participation of the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence (RAII). Both scientific and practical aspects will be discussed there: the latest discoveries in the field of AI and the problems associated with real cases of its application. Event website

Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence with International Participation KII-2018
Moscow, September 24 - 27

It is conducted by the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence together with the Federal Research Center "Informatics and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Higher School of Economics. The first conference of this series took place in 1988 in Pereslavl-Zalessky; since then, the event has been annually changing cities and expanding its scale. In 2018 conference materials will be published for the first time in English. Event website

International Conference on Cognitive Science
Kaliningrad, October 21

Dedicated to cognitive processes and, in particular, to the study of AI in basic science. One of the events of the conference will be the workshop "Methods of artificial intelligence in modeling cognitive processes." The organizers announced the participation of "leading experts in various areas of cognitive science, professionals of the highest level, representatives of the international scientific community"; the exact composition will be the speakers will be announced after September 1.

Past conferences

At the beginning of the year, several interesting events dedicated to artificial intelligence took place in Russia. Some of them are annual (or plan to become them), so we will list them too.

Moscow, February 7-9

Conference on artificial intelligence, organized with the participation of Mail.ru Group. Focused on the developers of AI solutions, as well as investors, representatives of development institutions and regulators. The conference in 2018 was attended by 38 speakers from VisionLabs, Mail.ru, Sberbank, Ozon.ru, IBM, Svyaznoy, Kaspersky Lab and other companies.

Conference on the development and use of artificial intelligence systems in Russia
Moscow, February 13

It was a press conference dedicated to the latest scientific discoveries and developments in the field of AI and machine learning. The vice-presidents of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center Oleg Naraikin and Valery Karpov took part in it. Event website

“Artificial Intelligence: Problems and Solutions” - 2018 ”
Moscow, March 14-15

This is a scientific event in which the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence (RAIA) participate. The reports are devoted to the scientific and technical aspect - “the current state and the main directions of development of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation and abroad,” as the organizers write in the post-release. Key speakers - scientists: S.N. Vasiliev (Chief Researcher of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences) Zheltov and B.E. Fedunov (Academicians of RAS). Event website

Artificial Intelligence Systems 2018
Moscow, March 28

Conference Tadviser - expert center on the automation of government and business in Russia. It took place on March 28th. It was a business event: participants looked at analytics of the market for artificial intelligence and machine learning and discussed AI business solutions available in Russia.

Artificial Intelligence in Law
Moscow, April 6

The event gathered about 300 participants - representatives of the legal industry, politicians, developers. They discussed the opportunities that lawyers of AI and neural networks carry. Among the speakers were Valery Meshkov, director general of the largest legal marketplace in Russia, Pravoved.RU; representatives of law firms Thomson Reuters, Lex Machina, DLA Piper and the Skolkovo resident "Nanosemantics Laboratory".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/411643/

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