The first and only real hybrid smart watches: MyKronoz ZeTime

Hybrid watches are most often understood as “analog smart watches”, or smart watches with hands, which, in general, have a fair amount on the market.

Fossil made a big deal in promoting this niche, literally having stamped such simple designs for most brands in its portfolio. Such a watch looks nothing different from a normal one, but they can vibrate with notifications or notify with additional diode blinking about incoming ones.

Last year, IDC considered that it was the model’s plan that would double the market for smart watches by 2021, and in general, it should be noted that, starting with the pioneers of this market - Withings and Runtastic - everything is successful in this niche. True, for the time being it seemed that nothing new could be done.

In February last year, the company MyKronoz, however, managed to make its own hybrids, which became known as “real hybrid” watches, because here - wow - and the arrows, and the digital display!

It turned out to be really cool and new solution in the smart watch market as a whole, and certainly in the hybrids market. The audience took the watch with delight: already at the start of the campaign to promote the model, which began on Kickstarter, it became clear that the novelty was interesting to users, which was confirmed in the final by more than $ 5 million.

Now there are watches in Russia. At the same time, judging by the reviews that are presented in the network, the possible drawbacks are superbly overlapped by this single chip - the arrows above the digital display. The last Kazakov at Petukhov, for example, put the clock on the camera on a par with the Apple Watch and Samsung, without even showing the application ...

We also wanted to see this watch. And they looked.

MyKronoz application

The company MyKronoz is quite prolific on gadgets, and a kind of "features", or corporate identity, is that a separate application is developed for each individual device. In the app store there are about three screens ...

The application that we need is highlighted in red.

I believe that this approach to development affects the quality of the application. We will not idealize here - it is quite simple, not very aesthetic. But overall quite functional. In other words, there are no particular critics - only cavils.

Say, to connect, you must go through several steps of "pre-registration", indicating your data. It would seem that only six points, but they can not be missed and filled out later ...

The search box would significantly shorten the country selection process, replacing scrolling down to “R”. And so on. These little things are a little tiring. The main screen of the application is “sharpened” for demonstrating daily statistics of activity and sleep.

It is represented by six “submenus”: steps, distance, calories, time of activity (could translate, however, again cavils), sleep and pulse. To delve into the statistics by day, you need to click on a specific strip. Inside you can see more detailed graphs by the hour, and by clicking on a point, you can find out the exact unit in numbers.

The application does not cause any difficulties: all the elements are quite logical and convenient to use. But, it is worth noting that working with the application basically ends very quickly: you set up the clock for yourself, create your own scripts, reminders, and then almost never contact the smartphone. Well, except to view statistics. To set the clock except the main screen - there are three more menus below:

With goals and reminders, everything should be clear.

But the last item - the settings - is already of interest. Here all significant parameters from the reception of notifications to the pulse measurement interval are set directly. Everything is arranged quite "detective." Some of the settings and features you get immediately:

Of the important things here are the management of notifications, the ability to change the profile, the battery charge indicator and the settings for measuring the pulse.

About the heart rate monitor it is worth saying a few words separately. The gadget allows you to measure the pulse on demand - this is done from the clock display. To do this, select the menu "Heart".

And then click on the screen again to start the metering mode.

Also, the mode of operation of the heart rate monitor is configured from the application: here you can set the interval from 5 to 60 minutes, when the pulse data should be recorded.

The data that is recorded automatically is then displayed among others on the first screen of the application, in the statistics for the day. They can also be viewed in dynamics by opening the corresponding menu.

Here you can also select a specific point, as well as see the top / bottom border you specified, at the intersection of which you will receive notifications if you specify this in the settings.


The watch has a touchscreen display and three active control buttons. Simply put, you can manage both, and as it is convenient. The crown of the clock is mobile and is also a control element, helping to switch between menu items.

In order to get to the activity menu, you need to "swipe" to the right.
In order to get into the main menu, you need to "brush away" to the left.

The main menu will be represented by two dials with settings.

Here, access to notifications, remote control of the camera, music, as well as the internal settings of the clock, where you can calibrate the arrows, select the language, measurement system ... or just reboot the device and clear it from current information.

Access to everything - on click. Double clicking on the display will return to the previous step.

In order to get to the shortcut menu with quick access to individual functions, you need to “swipe” down.
In order to go to the notifications, you need to "brush away" up.

Work with notifications implemented impressively. Actually, here is a reason to once again recall how the first "real hybrid" watches are arranged. Inside the touchscreen display, MyKronoz made a neat hole and slammed arrows into it!

It seems to be nothing special, but it would be quite logical to interfere with the work with notifications, interfere with viewing. As a result, it works like this: when you go into the notification mode, the arrows automatically move to nine and three, freeing the screen.

The display of notifications is organized in such a way that the information about that message is placed in its upper part. Then, exactly in the middle from nine to three, there is a line that separates the rest of the list. When the arrows are leaving, it is quite comfortable to see and read both the list and specific information.

If the hands of the clock interfere in the main menu, then you can move them to the sides by double pressing the crown.

And finally, another possibility - holding your finger on the display will open the dial menu.

Dials can be configured manually from the clock or through the application. There are 24 of them.

For customization - space. If you don’t like any of the basic dials, you can create your own in a couple of minutes, drawing up any photo from the gallery. The result will be something like:

With the built-in widgets, such dials also get along easily: if you need to carry some more information, then no problem!

Button controls

The watch is equipped with three control buttons. The main "load", probably, it can be said so, falls on the crown. To move between menu items, you need to scroll through it, to select it - click.

Also, the crown activates the backlight mode when the screen is off. The only fly in the ointment here, perhaps, is that the analog and digital arrows per millimeter do not match ... Perfectionists will be indignant.

The top button is used to return to the main menu from anywhere. The bottom one goes one step back. Pressing and holding these two buttons clears the clock. One way or another, it must be admitted that both touch and button controls are quite understandable, simple and logical, and it is easy to get used to the sequence of actions.

In general, the functionality of the watch comes down to:

However, about each of the points there is something to say. For example, sleep tracking must either be started manually, or in the application set the sleep time for automatic tracking. If you just fall asleep in the clock - it will be empty.

Notifications take hours, but Android owners have the opportunity to send some prepared answers from the clock!

You can control some functions of the smartphone, but on the condition that you have unlocked the screen of the smartphone (camera) or you use a certain player (audio). From the supported music services:

On VLC, say, the clock does not respond. And it turns out that everything is there, everything is possible, but there are also nuances that not all users will want to put up with. In any case, not everyone is immediately ready to change their habits.

Detailed instructions MyKronoz in Russian: what is possible, what is impossible.

And finally, the advanced settings menu. Here you get from the main settings menu.

From all that is of interest and value here, it is rather necessary to note the mode of constant synchronization and the mode of preliminary sleep settings. Continuous sync mode should not scare.

The autonomy of the clock is claimed up to 3 days in the “smart” mode, but with gentle heart rate intervals (15 minutes) + not the most intensive notifications, they live longer. In the same analog clock mode, the company promises up to 30 days without recharging.

Charging MyKronoz is also very funny, and it seems it's time to say a few words about appearance.


The company Mikronoz has positioned itself as a Swiss smart watch from the very beginning. On the monitored device, it is also mentioned that we have a Swiss design. I must say that the build quality, however, is perfect.

The model has a rather laconic appearance, but at the same time it looks quite prestigious. Parts fit perfectly, body parts securely fastened.

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of active elements, nothing suspiciously dangles. The straps are made with high quality, however, they are easily replaced if necessary.

Curiously implemented charging hours.

The docking station is designed as a neat little circle, but there are no special contact points here. There are no them on the clock. Watch just need to put on this stand, in the center.

The docking station itself is connected to the network via microUSB.

What is the result?

Yes, something is not impressed in the application, but in general, and we, perhaps, will join those who praise this watch. Impeccable build quality, high reliability and good autonomy are what many watches lack today.

Hours for work, for city life do not need additional sensors, for the absence of which they should be reproached, but they have an indisputable competitive chip in the form of a uniquely designed display, which is both digital and analog at the same time!

This is certainly a recognizable feature and, perhaps, the most original solution to date in the category of smart watches. Who needs a simple and functional clock, which will count the steps, and will be reminded about SMS, and time will be shown by arrows - the very thing.

The discount for those who would like to buy, of course, is attached: ZeTime are presented by two models: Original and Premium .

For each gadget, we offer a 15% coupon discount: GEEKKRONOZ . It is valid when you pay on the site. Until the end of April.

  • Material: stainless steel, sapphire glass
  • Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.2 BLE
  • Display: TFT Color touch screen with a hole, 1.22 inches / 240 * 240 pixels
  • Dimensions: 44 * 12.8 mm
  • Sensors: 3-axis accelerometer, HR optical sensor
  • Weight: 90 g
  • Operating temperature: -20 ° C to + 40 ° C
  • Battery type: Li-ion 200 mAh
  • Water Resistant: 5 ATM
  • Battery life: up to 30 days (analog mode) / 3 days (smart watch mode)
  • Android: 5.0+
  • iOS: 8+
  • Free app: for Android and IOS
  • International warranty: 1 year


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