Globalism, anti-globalism, capitalism, or where everything is rolling in the labor market of Moscow in particular, and of the world as a whole

What is globalism? This is when HR from Armenia, working for an English head-selling company, sends you a vacancy in Poland to work for a Swiss bank.

What is anti-globalism? This is when a job is sent in the format “Dear Friend! I ’m looking for a long time, and the content of the vacancy correlates with your resume in some way.

TL / DR - all sorts of arguments on the topic "before it was better."


A little less than a year ago I wrote the article “ Interviews, the labor market, etc. in the city of Moscow, the summer of 7525, ” but since then much water has flowed under the bridge, the market has changed, and continues to change.

For some reason, the 102th anniversary of the tragic death of the ideological father of modern Russian democracy, and the bankruptcy of one of the largest integrators of the Russian Federation - and included in the TOP-500 Russian companies in 2016 rated by RBC, passed completely past Habrakhabr .

How did this affect the labor market in Moscow, where the opinion of leading analysts and etc / host editing specialists, did analysts prepare for the USE and miss it?

However, I wanted to write about something completely different, about how the HR market changed from my point of view

Capitalism, if anyone does not know, is primarily about money and optimization, even without a known 300% profit (300 per cent., Even to the the chance of its owner being hanged - Thomas Joseph Dunning). Thus, in a falling market, “capital” will try to save by all means, as a result we get HR at some salary who are looking for something that cannot be - so that the reaper and the reaper can mow at night and the cheaper the better

However, recently I have a feeling that HR introduced KPIs according to the number of people they dragged for an interview, even if the candidate’s questionnaire and the organization’s requirements are not connected at all, even there are no matching letters. But capitalism is so ruthless.

What has changed in numbers and internal sensations

By numbers

Salaries published on hh grew up to 150-180 thousand rubles ... true due to vacancies of the type “up to 200 thousand before deduction of personal income tax, and if KPI is good, the year is profitable and leap year”, and the type “we want everything to be able and even Devops”.

By people

The number of jobs (sampling for hh for two years) in Moscow will be something like this: the first digit is the number of vacancies with salaries published on 04/18/2016, the second is 04/16/2017, the third is 04/15/2018 (There could be a beautiful sign, but I laziness).

Enikey (40R) - 131/180/267
Junior admin (60R) - 85/120/184
System Administrator (90R) - 39/50/76

By vacancies

I don’t know in connection with this, but it has become fashionable to save letters in vacancies. Classic vacancy began to look like a set of abbreviations type AD / DNS / ADFS / WSUS / IIS / WFC / DHCP or ipsec / openvpn / iptables / bgp / lvs / ipvs / ospf / zebra

What is the reason for this saving of letters, I don’t know, and if I remember the set of abbreviations win and network more or less, then LVS is a Linux Virtual Server, IPVS is an IP Virtual Server, or, say, an abbreviation of the vCenter Server Appliance to vSphere vCSA, often confuses me.

It was no less fashionable to search for a person on “all databases at once”. A line of abbreviations in this case may look like "XtraDB Cluster / SQL Server 2016 / mysql / redis".

By search methods

I can point out several new methods of searching for employees that I have never encountered before.
One of them is in the headline - this is a mass mailing of letters like "we saw your resume and we have a vacancy for you."

Such mailing is of two types - with the application of vacancies in the form of a file, and in the format of the letter "Dear% username%". It is very funny if there are three such letters, and with the same text.

However, for my part, I can only greet such a method, because replacing a person “not in the subject” with the same “not in the subject”, but with a free robot, is the right way. Glory to the robots!

The second method - the main thing you come.

Regularly in the correspondence, all the foreplay of the conditions are reduced to the fact that we will tell you about the money and the actual tasks only personally, you can by Skype, at least you should be interested in the main thing. I don’t know why this way - the tolles of HR in the agencies began to pay not for the recruited employees, but for the heads that reached the interview, toli simply from hopelessness, maybe for some other reason, from the series “well, we First, we will convince the person that he is a limited, weak-minded person, a graphomaniac, a talker, a perfect zero, an exaggerated quantity, an epigone, an illiterate cheater, bast, chaff, scum, and in general a subject unworthy to talk to him * , but then we will come along and ask him to work on us a little bit just because it's simple work in our market leader - a great honor.

The third method is complete robotization of the process.
Now, instead of an invitation to hh, a message arrives that some regular recruitment agency wants to include you in its personnel reserve. Why is this to me in the presence of monster / hh / linkedin ** - is not clear. Does a startup want to make your E-Staff from the Tobolsk province with one anarchist ?

What has not changed

1. Some vacancies are simply not published, or are published without specifying wages.

2. A part of vacancies is all the same “we want an eight-armed seven-eyed and that everything was able”. Eight-armed semiglazics sometimes exist, and a year can be searched for at such a place. Just because such people (as employers want) or not at all, or not for such money.

3. Some vacancies are simply duplicated. Seen the vacancies taken by HR by copy-paste method from the original vacancy.

4. Some vacancies are simply constantly updated, but there is no real search. This is most clearly seen from the decline in the number of vacancies twice during the long New Year holidays.

5. And, of course, the constant search for playing trainers has not gone anywhere.
In a successful, stable and constantly growing, entering the top-3 in its market, the company *** needs a professional Head of IT Department.
Responsibilities: Administration of server hardware (Blade HP C7000 system) and related network equipment Cisco and Dell.

Apparently there are some things that have not changed since 1934.

What can be compared

It is possible (and necessary!) To compare the current state of “in Moscow” with regularly updated search methods for employees published on the well-known IT site. I already wrote about examples from a series of cool epics such as this , but there are examples and more interesting, for example, one , two .

* Karel Capek. Twelve methods of literary controversy or a guide to newspaper discussions.
** Forbidden organization in the Russian Federation (or website, I am already confused in terminology)


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