Damage to the tooth enamel can be corrected with peptides


Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a system for restoring tooth enamel using a tool proposed by nature itself. We are talking about peptides that provide the ability to correct problem areas on the teeth. Of course, this method will not cope with major damages like neglected caries. But the initial stages of tooth decay, he is able not only to stop, but also to reverse the process.

“Remineralization is the main element of the new technique. The process of remineralization is provided by peptides, ”says project manager Mehmet Sarikaya, a materials and engineering specialist. The method proposed by scientists will help to avoid excessive expenses in the treatment of teeth, using the "peptide recovery."

The technique can be used in any region; special technological devices are not needed here. Damage to the enamel is a common problem with teeth, it is relevant for people of all ages. Usually, damage to the enamel leads to tooth decay (if the problem is not treated), which opens the way to the human body for harmful microorganisms. Traditional methods of treating the problems are expensive.

Usually enamel is damaged by special microorganisms that consume sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates, secreting acid, which destroys tooth enamel. As a result, if you do not monitor the condition of the teeth, damage to the enamel can lead to loss of teeth. The fewer they are left, the more the rest of them are subjected to more stress, which leads to further damage and the loss of all new teeth.

Oral hygiene is a great way to deal with the problem; brushing your teeth has significantly reduced the level of dental problems in the world. But many social groups, as well as people with a genetic predisposition to dental problems, continue to suffer because of the problems described above. In the United States and other countries, damage to enamel is a common problem , the cause of which, not least the food preferences of citizens.

The idea to fight tooth damage with peptides arose after a detailed introduction to the process of tooth formation and the participation of peptides produced by the human body in this process. One of the most important is peptide amelogenin , it is responsible for the formation of hard enamel of the outer layer of the tooth. The biological process of tooth restoration proposed by scientists also suggests the use of this peptide.

Compounds of this type restore enamel due to "deposits" of calcium and phosphate ions. Each cycle involving the use of peptides, allows you to grow about 1-50 nm of new enamel. After the technology will be refined, it can be used both in conventional dentistry and in research laboratories. On the basis of new compounds, specialists will create all sorts of toothpastes, gels, solutions and composite materials.


The technology is good because with its help it will be possible not only to remove harmful microorganisms from the surface of the teeth, but also to restore the enamel layer every day. The process is completely safe for both children and adults.

The scientific and technological process helps fight caries not only with the use of peptides. There is, for example, a suggestion to use a drug that is commonly used to treat Alzheimer's disease. It is used, however, not only this drug, but the whole complex, part of which is the Tideglusib molecule, namely glycogen synthase kinase inhibitors ( HSC-3 ).

In the mouth of a person there are even special bacteria that can fight against microorganisms that cause dental caries. When using a special type of probiotic, you can increase the amount of these beneficial microorganisms in the mouth that are able to prevent the formation of caries.

And, of course, we must not forget about nanotechnology. American researchers from the University of Rochester and the University of Pennsylvania have proposed a new tool to combat dental plaque. This method uses spherical nanoparticles to deliver drugs to the surface of the teeth, stopping the work of harmful bacteria that harm human tooth enamel.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/411515/

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