We made a turbojet snowboard - the first step to a jetpack

“Life cannot consist only of solving sad problems. There must be things that inspire you. Things that make you happily wake up in the morning and feel like a part of humanity. That is why we will do it. We will do this for you. ”
- Ilon Musk

Hi, Giktayms! My name is Alexey and I am making a jetpack . More precisely, we are already doing.

On February 1, I announced that I was beginning to work on the creation of the first Russian JetPack, and threw the call to all the crazy engineers to join the Jet Hackers team. Denis Efremov (stratospheric launches) and Alexey Zhukov (helicopters) turned out to be the brightest. Of course, they twirled at the temple about my idea of ​​tying 4 turbojet engines to themselves and flying, but they wanted to tie a pair of turbofan engines to a snowboard and a longboard.

And on March 24, we (Denis Efremov, Alexey Zhukov and Alexey Statsenko) conducted the world's first manned launch of a turbojet snowboard.

Photo: QuickSilver

An hour later, we drive a car to the festival of snowboarders to present a “gravitsap”, I plan to publish a lot of interesting things about the history of jetpacks, about the current state of affairs in the world and how we bathe the hoses in kerosene and put them in the freezer (fuel hoses, and not what you thought).

And now a little bit of pictures.


Denis Efremov , the world's first pilot of a turbojet snowboard. Photo: QuickSilver

Video shaking hands:


We make a stand for measuring thrust.

The first fire tests:

It was terrible to horror. In the cold sat the battery.

When the turbine yells nearby I want to yell with it


This American thing doesn’t give me rest for 2 months (and 4 years)


I found out about Iva Rossi 4 years ago and wrote an article Jet man: rocket man

Hold the jaw:

I want to catch up and overtake.


Jetcat P180-NX engine pulls 18 kg


Thermoshields (for cars) to protect the ass


Hoses Hoses, bitch, capricious. Some dubeyut and break in the cold, others swell in kerosene and turn into snot, slide off, others bend, the fourth strive to jump out of the fuel tank. Hoses they are.


The response of one of the habrafrands ( sasha237 ) to my request to throw me money for an idea. Real screenshot from the telegraph.


Offer for those who don’t bother with the quality of photos, texts and the presence of video. And for those whose reaction is: “Wow! It's time to do it! ”

For 2 months with one engine, we rolled out the coolest working sample. We need more engines to accelerate.

“A new star is burning in the sky. It was lit, of course, by hooligans. ”(Valentin Gaft)

You can follow how we are doing the first Russian turbojet of vertical take-off here:
- blog on Habré
- Telegram channel
- VK group
- my Fb profile
- letters to write here alexey.stacenko@gmail.com




"Live in the future and do cool things."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/411487/

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