Red Hogwarts. Series 2. Restarts

But about this student of the Moscow Mining Academy did not have to look for anything, he is perhaps the most famous of the characters of the “Red Hogwarts”. However, after talking with today's students, I became convinced that most of them had not heard about him. I had to take up the educational program, especially since I always fall into a stupor from his biography - its great impact is so great.


Do you know what this grandfather of retirement age is of Semitic appearance? Well, who, on the right, with a vicious face, clumsily poses by the apple tree? Wu, brother !!! This is Efim Pavlovich Slavsky, a man of an impossible, unthinkable biography.

Half-breed - mother called Evdokia Petrovna. Pope, a retired Tsarist soldier Faivel Slavsky, presented the boy with a middle name "Pavlovich", and did not have time to do anything else, because he died early. A boy was born and grew up on the lands of the Don Cossacks Region, which already seems to inspire. A Jewish boy who grew up among the Cossacks is, you know, worse than any Mowgli. But boy Fima all his life engaged in the fact that he killed stereotypes.

He began his career as a miner in the coal mines of Makeyevka. As Zhvanetsky wrote on another occasion: "A Jew in the corner is already ridiculous." But Slavsky did not stop there. A revolution took place in the country, and the Jewish miner was replaced by a no less exotic phrase “Jew-Budennovec”. Yes, yes, the very "We are red cavalrymen, and about us ...". Throughout the Civil War, Efim Slavsky was part of the First Horse. Because of the tremendous physical strength and reckless courage in the army was in great authority. He was personally known and fully respected by the legendary commanders Budyonny, Dybenko and Frunze. Member of the RCP (b) since April 1918. As part of the First Cavalry, he fought until the autumn of 1923, finished service as a regiment commissar of the Special Cavalry Division of the First Cavalry Army.

As Academician Sakharov recalled: “In the past, Slavsky was one of the commanders of the First Horse; in my presence he loved to recall episodes from this period of his life. To match the character of Slavsky, his appearance is a high powerful figure, strong hands and broad sloping shoulders, large features of a bronze-red face, a loud, confident voice. ” After that, Slavsky served for five years in the Red Army, until 1928. And then follows another unthinkable kunshtyuk.

In 1928, in the fourth decade of the family, the combat commander Yefim Slavsky, who did not even have a secondary education, was sent to study engineering at the call of the party. It was a new, unusual contingent of students - the so-called "party members", whom the party moved from practical work to study science and technology. Six months Slavsky with frenzy studied textbooks, and then entered the Moscow Mining Academy (from which, in fact, grew NUST "MISiS"). He was taught, by the way, by another legendary comrade, Vasily Semyonovich Yemelyanov, who graduated from the same academy according to the previous call of the party to rehash ideological Red Army men in knowledgeable professors.

In 1933, Slavsky graduated from higher education and went on distribution to the Electrozinc plant in the city of Ordzhonikidze, where he began a consistent advancement along the steps of the career ladder: engineer, foreman, chief engineer, plant director. Career, however, almost collapsed in 1936, when, because of friendship with the Terry Terrorist engineer Mamsurov , Slavsky was expelled from the party and almost fell under the flywheel of repression, but he was lucky - the team stood up for him. It should be noted that his subordinates always loved him, despite the wildly authoritarian leadership style. By the decision of the general party assembly of the plant, the expulsion from the party was recognized as an “bend” and replaced with a severe reprimand.

Personal case of Slavsky EP, excluded from the ranks of the CPSU (b)

In 1940, Slavsky, who has repeatedly proven his own competence as a leader, is raised: he is transferred from Zaporozhye to head the Dnieper Aluminum Plant from the small “Electrozink”. By 1941, this plant has already given two thirds of domestic aluminum.

A week before the start of the war, Efim Pavlovich was approved as Deputy Commissar of the Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, but did not have time to enter into a new position - he returned from Moscow to Zaporozhye to hand over the case, but instead of transferring cases, he had to evacuate the plant to the Urals under fire from German artillery. With Jewish thoroughness, he took everything at the factory, carried it out under a whisk, even pushed the cable from the walls. The plant left last, a few hours before the Germans broke through to the left bank of the Dnieper. For this operation, Slavsky was awarded his first Order of Lenin.

E.P. Slavsky during the war

Here's how this episode describes in his unsophisticated essay "Three Life Stories" sent to the War Correspondent contest by the great-grandson of Slavsky Ilya Kukushkin: " The Germans approached very quickly and did not bomb the plant, but only fired because they wanted to get it for themselves. Great-grandfather 2 months spent evacuating under artillery fire, and they killed a lot of workers. Great-grandmother even got a funeral for him by mistake . "

Efim Pavlovich, by the way, he loved his wife dearly all his life, and even ordered to put up a “common” monument. Sakharov recalled: “Once I saw his wife and was struck by the contrast of their faces - she looked like an intelligent, already elderly, quiet woman, in some old-fashioned hat. He treated her with emphatic attention and extraordinary gentleness. ”

Grave E.P. and EA Slavsky.

But back to the events of the Great Patriotic War. In the Urals, Slavsky receives a new task - the launch of the country's largest aluminum plant on the basis of an enterprise in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky. The fact is that already in 1941 the USSR was in a desperate situation - we were practically left without the aluminum industry. All existing enterprises - Dneprovsky, Volkhovsky and Tikhvin aluminum plants were occupied. Only a relatively small Ural aluminum plant, built before the war, remained, and the Theological Aluminum Plant in Krasnoturinsk was built nearby. The equipment, however, had time to withdraw - he himself Slavsky and took out. And now it was necessary to make a mega-plant from this equipment in the Urals, and to do so that it would already produce products today. To understand the degree of importance of this task, it is enough to know only one fact - all the years of the war the People's Commissar of the Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR Petr Fadeyevich Lomako were almost always in Kamensk-Uralsky on the Ural Aluminum. Lomako, if anyone does not remember, is included in the Guinness Book of Records - he became minister at 36 years old, in 1940, under Stalin, and gave the industry a successor in 1986, under Gorbachev. Almost 47 years.

By the way, about 36-year-old ministers. A curious fact - during the war, the directors of the largest Ural plants were relatively young people, this legendary, without any exaggeration, the legendary people were around 35-40 years old. The 45-year-old Slavsky was perhaps the oldest among them. It is explained simply - 50-year-old physically could not withstand a given mode of operation. Try to just sleep for three to four hours for four years. Yes, the directors of the defense factories were demigods, they could do everything they considered necessary, they had the broadest powers, including direct access to Comrade Stalin at any time of the day or night. But they also had an unimaginable responsibility. You have not only a plant - you have the whole city built around the plant, where the plant is the soul and the meaning of the city. Where everything — from children's sleighs to the grave for a funeral — is made to people at the factory. All these people, from old men to babies, are on you. And the demand from you - by the highest, unimaginable measure today. Just one example.

The rolling mills removed from Ukraine and Leningrad have not yet been launched, we had nothing to roll tank armor on. Not at all. And then on “Magnitogorsk” they invented rolling armor on the blooming. I will not ship you with technical details, but it's about how to fry pancakes on an iron without a frying pan - it is theoretically possible, but in fact quite difficult. Everything was aggravated by the fact that approximately 40% of the probability was that when trying to roll armor steel, blooming would lock, and this was the largest blooming in the country. That automatically meant - pretty squander the entire defense industry of the country, which so desperately did not keep up with the needs of the front. So, as the grandson of the plant director recalled, the grandmother once confessed to him that the legendary Grigory Ivanovich Nosov, nicknamed “Grandfather” who led Magnitka throughout the war, went to the first rolling of armor steel on the blooming with a pistol in his coat pocket. There was one cartridge in the pistol - it was believed that in that case there was a greater chance that they would not touch the family. “Grandfather” at that time was 35 years old. And Nosov died in August 1951 in Kislovodsk, where he and his wife went on their first vacation after the war. Died at 45 years old. A heart. They brought the coffin to Magnitogorsk and installed metallurgists in the Palace of Culture, and a living river flowed there for two days - the whole city went to say goodbye.

All the war years every morning, Grigory Nosov began with a report from the open-hearth shop.

But back to Slavsky. He was from the same steel cohort of directors. Only one figure: under the direction of E.P. Slavsky aluminum production at the plant increased from 20 thousand tons to 75 thousand tons. The uniqueness of Slavsky was not only in the fact that he showed himself, in modern terms, as one of the best anti-crisis top-managers in the country. Slavsky never forgot people - everyone who worked with him noted this. Literally a dotted line: in 1942, in the city, by the efforts of Slavsky, a technical school was opened at the factory. In the midst of the Battle of Stalingrad, in January forty-third, when it was still not clear and the country literally tore all the veins, when people worked for seven years without days off, a children's music school opened in the city. I spell: Children. Musical School. DK UAZ - still the most beautiful Palace of Culture in the city - began to be built in 1944.

Only the Ural Aluminum Plant Slavsky would have written his name in the history of the country. But his path is not even close to the finals. Slavsky was waiting for the next - and very steep - turn.

In the smelting of aluminum, graphite electrodes are used. This circumstance caused a new turn in the fate of metallurgical engineer Efim Slavsky. Back in 1943, a man called Kurchatov came to him through the Defense Council, who for some reason needed pure graphite.

I.V. Kurchatov and E.P. Slavsky

Here's how Slavsky himself spoke about this: “Once Lomaco said to me:“ Listen, do you know the Beard? ”(They called him Igor Vasilyevich after he had grown a beard for himself.) -“ No, ”I answer,“ I don't know. ” "You are with him, for God's sake, get to know him soon. We have to make pure graphite for him. This Beard will drive us to the coffin!”. ... It happened back in 1943. I didn’t understand either “ear or snout,” nothing". But, one way or another, the problem had to be solved, and Slavsky and Kurchatov pretty much broke their brains over obtaining electrodes from pure graphite. And in 1946, Efim Pavlovich finally said goodbye to Ural Aluminum and completely switched to the Soviet Atomic Project. As they would say today, he left full-time as deputy head of the First Main Directorate. It was called so - “The First Main”, without details. It was Slavsky who was entrusted with the construction of the 1st industrial reactor to produce plutonium. In fact, he again served as director of the plant. But the plant was not quite ordinary, and it was called “Mayak”.

No doubt, in our Atomic Project, metallurgists played a huge role - it’s enough to recall Avraamy Pavlovich Zavenyagin, or the aforementioned teacher of Slavsky at the Mining Academy, Vasily Semenovich Emelyanov, who later replaced his former pupil as head of the Main Directorate for Atomic Energy. But Academician Aleksandrov did not flirt at all when he said: “Igor Vasilyevich (Kurchatov), ​​and later I, constantly interacting with Slavsky, always believed that it was Slavsky who our Homeland was most obliged to create its“ atomic shield ”.

Two giants - in every sense of the word - A.P. Alexandrov and E.P. Slavsky

I will not talk in detail about the activities of Efim Pavlovich Slavsky in this field; a book is needed here, if not a single one. It is enough to say that he headed the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the USSR — that is, as we know, our Atomic Project was officially called for almost thirty years, from 1957 to 1986.

During his life he received three golden stars of the Hero, ten - ten, Karl !!! - Orders of Lenin, many other orders of the USSR and foreign countries, two Stalinist and one Lenin Prize, became an honorary citizen of five cities and districts, earned the nickname "Efim the Great" and received a total exposure of about 1,500 rengen, that is, three lethal doses. Only his powerful organism could stand it and not break.

Demonstration of a nuclear charge. L.P. Beria, B.L. Vannikov, E.P. Slavsky, M.V. Keldysh, I.S. Kurchatov and S.P. Korolev. Fragment of the panel at the station of Yekaterinburg

He became a legend even during his lifetime, and what only rumors (always respectable) did not go about him in Sredmash! It was said that he was the last survivor of Budennovets, that at the same time, TA MOST SHAKE was hanging on his wall. They said that he remembered by name and patronymic of all the equipment engineers of the reactor equipment (this, by the way, is true), they admired that he demonstrated all the same absolute memory, crystal clarity of mind and indomitable will to create in the ninth decade.

He seemed everlasting. Already at the age of 70, setting another task for someone, he once summed up: “I will check it exactly in a year. If someone hopes that I won't reach the next birthday, he is deeply mistaken: my mother is already 93 and she feels great. " And indeed, he worked for many more years, and his retirement was “retired” not by age, but was removed because of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on November 21, 1986. Paraphrasing a well-known aphorism, “one must live so that the reason to send you to retire is found only in 88 years!”.

E.P. Slavsky at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Reading this biography, I suffered only one question - what were these people made of? He was born in the XIX century, in 1898. He was born on the day that was to become a holiday - on November 7, October 25 in the old style, and on the day when the Great October Socialist Revolution occurred, he celebrated his 19th birthday. He died at the age of 93, November 28, 1991, ten days before the signing of the "Agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States", which buried the USSR. Fate, so desperately repeatedly checking it for a break, finally showed mercy, and he did not see the death of his country. The countries to which he served all his life and for which he was so impossible, did a great deal unthinkable.

And the last. In recent years, domestic TV reporters have filmed biographies of actress Lyudmila Gurchenko and akimist Sonya Golden Handle, hypnotist Wolf Messing and singer Michael Krug.

Biography Yefim Slavsky did not receive such attention.

Maybe for the better.



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