There are thousands of phone calls to 911 from Apple in California and no one knows what to do.

It is from this enterprise that the police receive mysterious phone calls.

Quite a strange story happened to the division of Apple Corporation in California, USA. Thousands of calls are being sent to the 911 remote control from its territory, and the reason for this is unknown, plus so far nothing can be done about this problem. From October last year to the end of February of this year, 2,028 calls were received on the 911 remote. On average, the police receive about 16 calls from Apple a day.

According to 911 operators , once in January, all six channels of the console were occupied with strange calls in question, and the console itself was “similar to the Christmas tree,” all the LEDs were shining at once. The police immediately realized that the calls were false, but the exact reason could not be understood until now.

The company in question is engaged in servicing (mainly repair) the company's phones. It would seem that the problem can be solved very simply - visit this division of the company and find out what is happening. But not everything is so simple. The fact is that the repair service (and this is exactly the service, although very large) is the pride of the settlement in which it is located.

Or rather, not so much pride as hope for a brighter future, since the company employs several thousand employees, and therefore provides jobs for local residents. If you start to "push" hard on the company, it can at one point take and move to another place - good, Apple has enough opportunities for that.

But the police, too, cannot just tolerate all these false calls, because they sometimes interfere with the “normal” calls that come from people who need help. All this was already reported by the local unit of CBS , but it didn’t produce a special reaction. The company is trying to deal with the problem on its own, and something turns out for her - the number of calls is gradually decreasing. Police say that by reducing the volume of false calls, public safety is not at risk.

Those calls that come to the console are not identified. That is, they come from phones that are not yet activated. Apple cannot disable the ability to call 911 at all, as this is contrary to the rules of the Federal Communications Commission.

At first it was assumed that the reason is that the iPhone 8 is just a little more than the models of the previous generation. Devices at the enterprise are stored in slots that remain from previous batches (this is not about new phones, but about repaired ones). Well, since the phones are slightly larger, the buttons rest on the edges of the boxes, which leads to unplanned actions of the telephone module.

The company replaced the slots for storage devices in the enterprise, but it did not help - the calls continued to flow. Therefore, it was decided to try to radically change the design of the slots, which was done.

Unfortunately, to deal with the problem until the end prevents the closed mode of operation of the enterprise. Perhaps the reason for the calls to the 911 remote is that when repaired phones are placed in the storage slots at the factory, certain buttons are pressed. Apple said it tried to change the way and type of packaging twice, but it helped to solve the problem only partially, as mentioned above.

Now the corporation has ordered a new type of phone storage slots for its service. A batch of 30,000 copies should come after some time, and perhaps all this will help solve the problem. As far as you can understand, the new batch is equipped with sheets of material that is not transparent to radio emission. So if the phone will try to call 911, the signal simply will not work. In addition, company programmers are also working on solving the issue. Maybe Apple will even release a patch that will eliminate false calls.

The police also decided to give Apple all the data about the false calls so that the corporation would try to identify and solve the problem. Be that as it may, neither the police, nor the experts, nor Apple are 100% sure that calls are caused by accidentally pressing buttons on the phone cases.


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