Composites for space: what they should be and how they are created

Herman Suvorov at the InSpace Forum 2018

Products for the space sphere must be durable, lightweight, withstand ultra-low temperatures (as well as ultrahigh), and sometimes even transmit electromagnetic radiation. This was told by German Suvorov, the head of the company "Inzhiniti", which specializes in the production of products from composite materials in the field of instrumentation and space.

He spoke at a discussion panel at the InSpace Forum 2018 , which was held in Moscow on March 21. There we met and talked about how the development of products for the space sphere and how they differ from the "earth" structures.

Interviewer: Sergey Karpov
Respondent: German Suvorov

Hello, Herman. Tell us how the development of materials for orders in the field of space?

In fact, we almost always develop both material and product at the same time. The composite consists of two or more materials that are joined together. So the new material gets new properties. Our task is to select such materials for orders from the field of space, which will give the desired properties. We work with carbon fiber, fiberglass, Kevlar, polyurethanes, silicones, ceramics, metals.

The customer makes a requirement to create a material with certain characteristics. For example, he needs the product to be permeable to electromagnetic radiation of a specific range. For us, this means that the reinforcing fibers must be radiotransparent. Or, for example, another customer needs the product to reflect the electromagnetic field - in this case we take the shielding fibers.

There is an order: to make a product with certain characteristics. We study the properties of materials described in open sources. But almost always we have to conduct tests. When it is necessary to provide the required properties with a high degree of reliability, we purchase samples of materials, make a test product from them, test it for the desired properties. According to the results, we design the final product and test it already. The number of tests can be different, because often information about a particular material from different manufacturers is not quite correct.

What requirements should meet the materials for the space sector?

These are, as a rule, the maintenance of cryogenic temperatures, the absence of gas emissions and the required mechanical properties. We are aware of all the most advanced materials development in the world, so we select components for the composite very carefully. Most often it is any polymer and reinforcing fibers.

For mechanical properties, this is usually a “classic”: strength and rigidity, the ability of a structure to resist destruction and deformation. Plus weight limit. According to the traditional engineering approach, if you need to make the structure stronger or tougher, then the shape changes and more material is added. And with the help of modern technology, we can not increase the mass, but at the same time significantly increase the strength and rigidity.

It is also very important for the space sphere that gas is not emitted from the material. In space, gas can get onto the sensitive elements of a spacecraft: lenses, mirrors, electronic devices. This may damage the operation of the machine. To ensure the absence of gas in the material, we achieve complete polymerization so that there are no free unbound molecules, and they are not released in space, settling on the sensitive elements of the apparatus. Separately we carry out tests for samples of materials to be used in the manufacture of the product.

What about protection from cosmic radiation?

Yes, the requirement for radio-tightness is also met. But it depends on where the product will be located: it is closed with a shielding shell or open to radiation.

The question is solved by the selection of materials. Depending on the requirements, we simply add certain additives to the composition, which give the properties of protection against a certain range of radiation.

Tell us more about the development of the battery case for the GLONASS satellite . What should have been a design? What is it for? How much time was spent on its creation?

The case itself simply serves as a cell for the battery. It would seem a simple task, but with all the requirements taken into account, it becomes a high-tech engineering problem. The main requirements are mechanical strength and rigidity. The hull had to keep its shape under load, to withstand the vibrations that are present when the rocket is launched. Of course, the material should not have emitted gas in space, but the structure itself had to be degassed in the atmosphere: this means that air and other gases from all hidden cavities must come out quickly enough so as not to affect the structure. In 8–10 minutes our product comes out of atmospheric conditions into a vacuum - this must be taken into account, because if there is gas in hidden cavities, it can break the product.

The case had to meet the requirements for fire resistance and chemical resistance - so that the chemicals of the batteries in the event of a puncture did not destroy the structure.

It took about two months to create it, and the lion's share of the time was spent on testing the product. This is in fact very fast.

Another project "Inginity" - a glider for UAVs . What tasks did the customer set for you and how did you solve them?

The customer already had a composite airframe design. It was necessary to increase the size of the payload, while maintaining the same weight. The problem was solved by replacing the material technology. We have made the construction shell thinner and lighter. I'm afraid to make a mistake in numbers, but the area of ​​the airframe increased by about 20%, and we reduced the weight by 30%.

In this order, we did not change the aerodynamics of the device. Our task was to inscribe a new design in these aerodynamic contours. We used several solutions that allowed us to significantly simplify engineering. First, it was a hinged suspension of elevons. That is, the elevons began to deviate not due to the mechanical hinge, but due to the elasticity of the material - we organized special flexible zones in the design. This is one of the "chips" of composites: we can make a variable stiffness in a monolithic product. This solution simplifies assembly and reduces the weight of the product.

What are the features of orders for the space sector? What are the differences from the "earth" products?

First of all, space needs a low mass. We are always working to reduce the mass of our products. In addition, the requirement that the product does not emit gas is practically irrelevant for earthly products, while for space it is extremely important. Space technology is always on the "edge" of progress, so there are more opportunities to do something new.

Plus, unlike the aviation industry, space is not so much regulated. We like this because we can apply the most modern developments - both our own and the achievements of other countries. In manned aircraft it is difficult to do.

Why? In aviation, is there a specific requirement for materials and construction?

Yes. They need mandatory certification of almost everything that is done for the aircraft. There are several bodies that monitor this and issue licenses and certificates. There is a license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the development and production of aircraft. There is an IPA certification, outstanding for each aircraft - and when making the slightest design changes, it is necessary to undergo certification again.

In general, this is understandable, because people fly on manned aircraft, and if something is done incorrectly, then human life can be the price of a mistake. On the other hand, there are such things that slow down technological progress.

What order for the company "Inzhiniti" was the most difficult, the most challenging? What were the main difficulties and how did you deal with them?

In fact, we have a lot of complex tasks and it is extremely difficult to isolate some. People come to us when a team of engineers struggled with a problem, did not come to the result, and the deadlines were already “burning”. Every task has something non-trivial.

Does your company have orders for the development of material only, without any product?

There was such a task. We were approached by a client working with cryogenic technology. We conducted research and selected materials that work in cryogenic environments (approximately -200 ° C), retain mechanical strength and are transparent to electromagnetic radiation. From different components we have assembled a composite that meets all these requirements.

What stages does a specific product go through before you send it to a customer?

As a rule, it all starts with the development of technical specifications, because often customers come with tasks that require clarification. This is a very important stage - the basis of the entire project.

Next is the design phase. Sometimes you need to make an industrial design. After that, we are working with 3D models of structures in a virtual environment. Then we prepare the production - technological equipment. We prepare materials, then we create a prototype. On the prototype, we test all the necessary requirements that are important to the customer. According to the results of research, we make the necessary adjustments - and then we organize mass production. As a rule, serial technology is different from the one that was used to create the prototype.

How do you perform quality control?

These are always tests and studies, but it all depends on the specific material and product. As a rule, for composites these are non-destructive testing methods. They allow you to look deep into the material and detect possible delamination, non-glued places. Thanks to them, it is possible to check the integrity of the material and how polymerized it is. We have contractors with the necessary equipment - we invite them and conduct tests. Always check the finished product. If there are inconsistencies - send for revision. If everything is in order, the product is ready for serial production.

The schedule of events dedicated to innovative technologies, see the site Smile-Expo . The closest will be held in Moscow: M-Health Congress (April 3) - an event dedicated to telemedicine and the mobile health industry; and Artificial Intelligence Conference (April 19) - a conference on the application of artificial intelligence in business.


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