Tesla black line on highway 101


According to the latest data, a fatal failure befell the driver of the Tesla Model X in the morning of March 23.
The tragedy occurred on Highway 101 in Mountain View, California (Mountain View). An electric car hit a separator bump, it was thrown to the second left lane, where Mazda crashed into it, moving along this lane.


Audi, moving to the far left, added a fire in the literal sense of the word.

The damage was of such strength that led to a plentiful fire of the electric vehicle and tore it literally in half from the subsequent explosion.

“We saw a huge cloud of smoke, and then suddenly a fireball appeared at that place,” witness Ayden Sanchez showed.

“I saw Tesla X burning and smoking, I saw a man running with a fire extinguisher,” said an eyewitness who wished to remain anonymous.

I came closer, he continued, and saw a man who was covered with a layer of dust. The man seemed to be fine. The front of the car just disappeared!

The driver of the electric vehicle was taken to Stanford University Medical Center in serious condition.
Where, judging by the latest data, he soon died ...

Whether the “autopilot” has been turned on anywhere has yet been reported. An investigation is underway.

Based on materials from foreign news agencies

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/411295/

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