8250 milliampere-hours of Chinese game, or increased capacity in Shenzhen

"Oh, China, just some kind of game!"
C / f "Downhouse"

The reason to write this article was the purchase of such a monster:

This unique product was named by marketers " High-capacity 8250 mAh BN41 high-capacity rechargeable battery for Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 phone + warranty ." Native original Xiaomi possessed a measly 4100 mAh.

A preliminary call to the store in order to find out whether this is a real capacity, and not a wound Chinese milliampere-clock, gave rise to fragile shoots of hope. Yes, the capacity is real, yes, the dimensions of the battery correspond to the size of the original, and yes, the guarantee is 100%.

I must say that I have already bought a new battery, but the appetite comes with eating and I have longed for 8250 mAh of real autonomy. Still, this is a good replacement for the average crib. Such a capacity will allow almost the entire working week not to take charge and forever forget about the episodes of the magical transformation of the phone into a brick at the most inappropriate moment.

Searches for analogues on aliexpress, and in other high places have not been crowned with success, and I bet you can not find this copy on sale either (if it works out, let us know). On the third day I had the persistent feeling that I was in the Secret Buyers Club. Three ordinary prices were asked for the product, but dual autonomy was worth it, I thought.

On the fourth day the order was made, received, checked and paid. Drooling flowed ...

After installing the battery, it showed 25% of the factory charge. When discharged to zero, the Accu Battery application showed 1259 mAh of real Shenzhen electricity. (I ask to forgive the sudden advertising, I just did not find other applications that programmatically calculate the battery capacity when discharged.)

Well, the beginning is quite good - already 5000 mAh of full capacity, and, probably, it will turn out to shake up to 6000. I dreamed such dreams when I plugged in the charging-tester-phone and fell asleep.

In the morning I experienced shock and frustration. The tester showed 2543 mAh!

A more experienced energetic on this would have decided that it was time to turn off the experiment. But I was impressed by the memo, not devoid of morals and pearls, which the shrewd marketer attached to the order.

Quote from the accompanying store memo:
If after buying a battery, after having exploited it for 1 day, the buyer believes that the battery does not hold much and thus is of inadequate quality, then in these situations our store recommends recalling 3-5 charge-discharge cycles (after buying the battery, the first 3-5 charges discharges are recommended to perform completely).

After reading such a profound notation, I remembered about the long-forgotten 3-5 charges, and decided that a sickly Chinese lithium is time to train! Everyone knows that even Chinese children do exercises in the morning, and after lunch they go to sell it. It also came to mind that suddenly there are some nanotechnologies with tobacco mosaic virus or space innovations .

According to the results of the training, the following table was obtained:
CycleCharge hardwareSoftware chargeSoftware discharge
The hardware tester always shows less than software (apparently due to the difference in voltage after DC-DC conversion). It is possible that the secret is still there, because the tester is made in China. Discharge hardware tester does not measure, therefore, led only software.

For those who were born before 2000, I would recommend not to recall 3-5 charging cycles and training of lithium-ion batteries in general.

I could write a couple of warm words about Shenzhen Jiayuantong Science and Technology Co., Ltd - manufacturers of this product, but since they have the word "science" in their name, we will think that they are not to blame, but resellers of batteries that are pasting stickers.

In accordance with the complex rite of return of goods with a 100% guarantee, I wrote an application to the store and sent it by mail. I am waiting.

Maybe they will return the money, and suddenly?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/411291/

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