Recall everything: what telemedicine experts discussed a year ago

M-Health Congress 2017

As you know, everything is relative. Therefore, on the eve of the M-Health Congress 2018, we decided to recall the key conclusions of the speakers of the M-Health Congress 2017 - then on April 3 it will become clearer how the telemedicine sphere changed in a year.

MHealth Market Analysis

Alexander Penkov , a representative of Qoetrak, shared the consolidated estimates of the global mHealth market size for 2012-2022. (data of the company "Director INFO").

So, in 2018, they predicted almost $ 40 billion. Let's see if it will come true.

But even in previous years it is clear that the market is growing, and at a rather rapid pace. According to Alexander, there are five reasons for this:

Who was the market leader and what place Russia occupies can be found in the presentation .

Statistics Allied Market Research, which led the head. Dep. The IT of the Hematology Research Center and the head of the Electronic Medical Card Working Group of the Expert Council on ICT of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Boris Zingerman , states that the market will grow by 33.5% by 2020.

He said that the main market share is blood pressure monitoring systems. Then come the control devices for blood sugar and cardiac activity. Also in his presentation, he spoke about a service that takes into account the interests of patients and the schedule of doctors called Medsenger (original, right?).

Leonid Bugaev at the M-Health Congress 2017

Gadgets and medical telecommunications schemes

In continuation of the theme of gadgets, it is appropriate to recall the speech of the author of the books “Mobile marketing” and “Mobile Networking” Leonid Bugaev . He showed a lot of examples of wearable devices, interfaces and super interfaces.

In addition, he cited the results of an entertaining survey: provided that your favorite brand created the mHealth device you need, how would you prefer to wear it? So, 29% voted for the option "attached to clothes", 28% - on the wrist, 18% - attached to the shoes. The least popular were ideas with devices around the chest (6%), in the form of contact lenses (4%) or tattoos (3%). See all versions .

Speaking about the communications system in medicine, in most cases one option comes to mind: the patient is a doctor. In fact, these schemes - eight, and each has its own characteristics. Alexey Aleksey Alekseev , head of the analytical department of Med-YurKonsalt and a specialist in neurology at the Alfa-Center Health Center, introduced the technologies that correspond to this or that system.

For example, the simplest version of the "patient - digital device" just means blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, blood glucose meters and mobile gadgets. Their task is to signal danger.

The “patient- IIA -doctor” scheme should take into account the structure and detailing of templates when completing an IIA, the internal structure of quality control (combination of filling in separate EHR blocks, the connection of symptoms / complaints or diagnosis with available recommendations), external patient monitoring and external quality monitoring providing medical care.

The rest of the schemes are here .

Industry marketing and mHealth projects

Telemedicine is not only a story about people's health, but also about sales. No one has canceled private clinics, and there is high competition here. Vladimir Selivanov, director of RnD and managing partner of the project, spoke about creating an automated sales funnel using the example of the medical information system Zabota 2.0. The process is as follows:

  1. Building a productive line for the clinic (institution services).
  2. Creating atoms funnels.
  3. Setting up an analytics system.
  4. Develop a message template.
  5. Setting up the Zabota 2.0 system.
  6. Configure Zabota CRM for call center.
  7. System startup.
  8. Regular analysis of the results.

Examples of analytical sections of the case can be found in his presentation .

By the way, if you get to the root of telemedicine, then this is not just a more convenient treatment using gadgets, but also timely diagnosis and prevention of diseases in general. This was reminded by Peter Kuznetsov , a professor at the Department of Management and Economics of Health at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, vice president of the National Association of Medical Informatics.

He vividly and colorfully explained what the picture looks like without a plan for biomedical measures and c.

In addition, it is necessary to reconstruct the public health system and turn it into a “patient-centered” one.

He gave examples of three mHealth-systems, which together solve the main task of telemedicine - health protection using digital gadgets:

Details are in the presentation .

So, the main intrigue - what has changed over the year in the world and Russia? The practice and conference of the M-Health Congress 2018 , which will be held on April 3 in Moscow, will show. You can find out the conference program, the list of speakers and buy a ticket on the event website.


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