Kingston cut down a zoo of memory cards and left only three views. But even inexpensive Canvas Select is cooler than you think.

Once, a class of video cards was measured in megabytes, the quality of a camera was measured in megapixels, and the speed of a memory card was measured in general speed classes. Today, these numbers have become of little use, and memory cards are finally being designed “for devices”. Of the variety of memory cards Kingston left three model line Canvas, which reveal the potential of a different type of technology. We will tell you how fast the most affordable Kingston 2018 model year memory card turned out and by what principle today you should choose microSD / SD drives.

Kingston Canvas Select - "dance" from the video

British scientists have repeatedly argued that it is better to be rich and healthy than the poor and sick. Rumors say that they even found that the flagship memory card is cooler than the budget for the ultimate characteristics. The hitch remains that buyers are not always ready to lay out “flagship” sums for drives with extreme performance — in any type of digital consumer equipment “cash desk do” available models. And in 2018, the available Kingston memory card is Canvas Select.

The first thing you want to ask about an inexpensive memory card is “How much is hung in grams of the Speed ​​Class?”. And, if you remember by the old memory that the “budget” levels of speed were divided into Class 2, Class 4, Class 6 and Class 10 ... you are good, but you can forget all this and not remember anymore .

Cheap cameras and affordable Kingston memory cards made for each other

Because in 2018, the “Old Believer” maximum C10 is the basic speed even for the most affordable memory card. Marking "Class 10" remained in memory cards as a kind of legacy and a guarantee of compatibility with devices that are not able to "squeeze all the juice" from faster cards, but you need to pay attention to the high-speed UHS classes .

So, Canvas Select - a memory card with the speed of UHS Class 1 (U1). This, in terms of numbers, is 80 MB / s in read mode and the bus speed is about 104 MB / s (against 25 MB / s for the fastest representative “just Class 10” without U1 certification.

Most often, inexpensive memory cards are used as file storage on smartphones or inexpensive cameras. Taking into account the fact that smartphones with “adoptable storage” support (the merging of internal memory with microSD into one logical volume) is a minority , such memory cards most often deal with recording / reading photos and videos, and get a peak load either in the serial shooting mode, or during video recording.

Kingston Canvas Select - this is the same option “I would have a memory card in a smartphone” for everyone except enthusiasts of shooting super-sharp or super-fast video

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the “younger” series of Kingston memory cards is designed primarily to cope with recording / playback of video in Full HD resolution even with a high bit rate or when working with a stereoscopic image.

This does not mean that with the Canvas Select it is impossible to wipe our Ultra HD, 4K in low-cost smartphones - we are talking only about the fact that 1080p card "digests" in any conditions and devices of any severity level. And the “4K” badge is also possible. Kingston chooses only when it’s not about some smartphones, but about professional cameras that “pour” onto the video drive at a completely different pace from mobile phones. For the needs of smartphones, rest assured, such a drive will be enough.

Stable continuous recording Full HD-video with a high bitrate - something that I have to cope with perfectly modern low-cost memory card

And never forget about durability / strength, whoever smiles condescendingly, nodding at the "era of cloud storage." Cheap cameras rarely boast of wireless interfaces, and many low-end smart phones feel bad when they are in an environment where they are getting greasy and their RAM is running out of CPU time and the cloud client is pulling at the wireless networks.

Therefore, reliability is not superfluous, and the safety of files on SD / microSD is important today. Canvas Select will work properly, even if it plunges into water for up to 30 minutes, saves data, even if it is continuously rolled along the tape and “shine through” at the inspection points at airports and other public places, and with the strength of memory cards too everything is good. MIL-STD-883H certification ensures that even a full-size SD will not “snot” and “peel off”, as is the case with competitors or “nonime” - neither in the cold, nor even at a temperature of almost boiling (85 ° C) water .

The speed characteristics of the entire Canvas Select series are the same; you can choose from both universal tiny microSDs and full-size “photographer’s combat holders” of SD cards.

A reliable memory card is of little interest to anyone ... until it dies unreliable. Fortunately, the strength and durability in the "brand" memory cards are high in both the flagship and budget models.

We disclose the entire list:

Capacity: 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB
Speed: reading - 80 MB / s, writing - 10 MB / s, interface UHS-I Speed ​​Class 1 (U1)
Dimensions: 24 mm x 32 mm x 2.1 mm
Format : FAT32 (SDHC 16 GB - 32 GB), exFAT (SDXC 64 GB - 128 GB)
Operating temperature: -25 ° C to 85 ° C
Storage temperature: -40 ° C to 85 ° C
Voltage: 3.3 V

And now about why the memory cards of the “red head” went from the geek variety to three lines with different purposes, and about what Kingston memory cards in 2018 do.

Cards for video, “zest-the highest” video and “horror, what a heavy video + software”

We talked about the “mission and mission” of the junior series, it remains to clarify in a few words how the other memory cards of the new model line differ.

Middle class in Kingston memory cards - models Canvas Go! The “combat” name of the memory card was received for a reason, but because they were meant for brutal exploitation in action cameras, “mirrors” and “mirrorless”, drones and DVRs. Everywhere, where it is a lot, continuously and at the most different temperatures it is necessary to record many photo frames and video frames.

New Kingston Memory Cards

“So, Canvas Select is also suitable for all these tasks!”, - readers will be outraged, but they will be only partially right. Partly, because, firstly, the “ceiling” of consecutive reads and writes for the Canvas Go is already 90/45 MB / s (this is slightly faster than the “coolest” UHS standard, UHS-III, requires), and secondly These memory cards are not just “suitable for video as well”, but are certified to meet the new Video Speed ​​Class speed standards with a V30-level speed (guaranteed stable 4K video recording at 120 fps).

Canvas Go and React memory cards guarantee stable recording and video safety at 4K resolution at 120 fps even in hot and cold weather

And, finally, the fastest, most advanced Kingston Canvas React memory cards squeeze up to 100/80 MB / s in read / write mode, they are similarly certified according to the V30 class and are additionally optimized for fast work with software. So that manufacturers in such cases could back up their words with numbers, and not just with “unique user experience”, the SD Card Association developed a separate “league” (class) of memory cards suitable for quick operations with software.

How do the speed classes in modern memory cards relate to each other?

In order for a memory card to be certified with the “Application Performance Class”, it must issue from 1500 IOPS (I / O operations per second) for reading and 500 IOPS for writing for class A1. Kingston Canvas React gives out more and it is one of the few microSD memory cards that are so fast in working with applications.

Minimum permissible characteristics of outlandish memory cards of the "Application Performance Class" standard

Remember these important standards and always choose the memory cards that are perfect for your work scenarios!

Canvas memory cards will be available in a few weeks at Citylink and other Kingston partners.


We remind you that for all fans of the products of Kingston and HyperX in our blog, a competition is held before March 28, in which there are:

For more information about Kingston and HyperX products, visit the company's official website .


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