Awareness of human nature through the understanding of AI. Part 2. Keyhole

The first part of this chapter will be devoted to attempts to understand the key laws of the perception and processing of information, its assessment and lead to the motivation of the entity. The second part presents the fabrications of the influence of these laws on our life, motivation and behavior.

In the process of developing mechanisms for processing information from information systems, training, storage, and decision-making mechanisms, several features were identified that are repeated in all systems. This kind of turned out to be a link that allows building multi-level systems performing different functions, but operating according to the same principles. I will try to explain these principles, and perhaps their understanding will allow us to take a different look at your life, your decisions and motivation.

If you are not familiar with the previous article, I recommend reading it first:
Awareness of human nature through the understanding of AI. Introduction Part 1


The main thing that we need to know for further understanding is how our memory works, or rather its basic principles.

Let's define what is the end product of the information coming to us.
The flow of information coming into us passes through the complex mechanisms of fragmentation, the definition of the main, analysis, memorization, and so on and so forth. And ultimately, an image is formed in our memory to which our consciousness will turn if we receive similar information with this image.

The image itself does not mean anything, it has neither color nor weight - it is simply a kind of address for a certain sequence of data that came from information systems. But over time, it forms a connection with other images. And these connections are different. For example: imagine raspberries. You immediately form associations - red, sweet, sour, and so on. At the same time, red, sweet, sour - these are also images. Images are not necessarily associated with images of only one information system; moreover, running ahead, I will say that cross-system communications, on the contrary, are welcomed and encouraged. Or one more example: a, b, c, c. And you yourself already lead: d, e, e, f, g, etc. There is a connection to the sequence. And there are many such connections, while our brain takes sequences and makes them final, and builds sequences from sequences and so on, and in many levels and connections. For example: I personally tell the alphabet in pieces a, b, c, d, e - e, g, g, g - i, k, l, m, n - o, n, p, c, t. Here, each piece is a separate image consisting of other images, and the whole sequence - the image of the alphabet.

At first glance, it is difficult to understand, and even more difficult to implement in algorithms, but if you know the principles, then it turns out that all this multi-level, all these cross-links work on a less simple algorithm. Simply, all this is achieved by creating a large number of similar elements and creating links between them.

At the moment we have input information from information systems and the final result of its processing - images. The main question: how does it become images?

During the search for an answer to this question, the first discovery was the fact that not so much information comes to us. When developing, the question arose that the system should be able to process huge data immediately. But something in this idea seemed wrong. Our brain cannot process such volumes of information, it is devoid of practical sense.

Let's take a look at how you look around. Do you see everything around at once? Not. Your vision, if you do not move your eyes, can be divided into two zones. The first is a small part of your overall review, which you see clearly. The second is that everything around this zone is perceived as blurry. You can illustrate this with these pictures.

Real view:
Real view

The way we see:
The way we see it

From this we can conclude that the bit of information systems is not as big as it might seem at first glance. We cannot see perfectly all around at once. What our attention is focused on is under detailed study, everything is under general study, and the amount of information decreases dramatically.

The next point was the understanding that even though the data width had decreased, the speed of their receipt and processing is still enormous, because the data comes in constantly, with a certain frequency. To analyze them all, we need tremendous memory and power. But you and I do not remember everything in detail, only partially, and only what we noticed. Moreover, most of the information that we noticed, we will forget in a couple of minutes. From here looming natural questions. Do we need a lot of resources (memory, computing power), as it seems at first glance? After all, it is obvious that information filtering algorithms are built into us and all information processing is optimized to the maximum.

So we approached the revealed patterns. Their names are conditional: the goal is to find the most similar image in meaning.

The first is curiosity.

Our brain attracts everything new, different from the former, and we enjoy it.

The controversial statement, at first glance, but if you think about it, you can see that this trend continues at all levels of perception (images). This is the first thing that caught my attention and was the very thread in the forest.

Let's start with the simple. Let's imagine a gray screen. We look at it and the longer, the more and more uninteresting we become. But a red box appeared. We rivet our attention to him. We study it. After a while, everything again becomes boring, and we miss again. Here the rectangle began to move. We are interested, we are watching, but not for long. As soon as we understand the pattern of its trajectory, or we understand that it is chaotic (which is essentially also a pattern), we will come again to boredom. A circle appeared. We look at the circle.

So can go on indefinitely. Our view will be focused on the new in the data, and everything else will be ignored. And if there are two or more interesting objects? Then we will choose the most interesting of them, and ignore the rest and observe with lateral vision. If something unusual happens, then we will shift our attention. And where is the joy? Suppose that it is, but it is very small. You will agree that it is more fun to look at some kind of movement than static.

And now we will try to analyze our behavior in more global manifestations. We always crave something new in everything: in music, in movies, in food. This "new" at different levels of perception: in some trifles, in something larger, in something that happens in a spacing in time. Listening to music, we pay special attention to something new, for example: our usual rhythm, and here - hop: broken rhythm, or an extra beat, or something else, but unusual. We are so arranged that we will immediately pay attention to this, because it falls out of the general context.

We want for breakfast, lunch and dinner was a different meal. At the same time, we want the dish, which is often on the table, ideally, to be slightly better than last time, with a new touch of taste, etc. Hence, a number of bad habits. For example: we could eat oatmeal every day and be full. But no! We are looking for new sensations and try to have something tasty each time. And what does "yummy" mean? This is funny, but if we eat the same “tasty food”, for example, some kind of delicacy, every day, then very soon we would like oatmeal, if not for this “tasty food”. So what is it? What are we looking for? This is something new, with a new bright flavor. And how can you enhance the brightness of taste, for example? Amplifiers taste, seasoning, spices. And without them, you could eat, but with them it tastes better. That's why we like all this "healthy" food so much. Do you remember the pleasure of new information? After all, when eating delicious food, we get a riot of new sensations, new information, and as a result, pleasure. And a simple sequence is formed in our brain: if you want joy, eat. And we eat a lot. Even if the food ceases to bring joy, but we remember that it was joyful ... And so to the detriment of oneself. Even when there is no feeling of hunger, when there is heaviness in the stomach - we continue to eat. Habit. The habit of getting joy through food.

Another example. Who likes to be stroked on the back? Or when they gently touch the parts of the body that do not experience pinpoints for the whole day or even weeks? You have to remember how it feels. And also the fact that they quickly cease to be so bright. Our back all day in contact with the shirt or something else. The overall data context is universal contact. And here is a pinpoint touch. New, unique information in comparison with the recent period and immediately reward - joy. And such examples can gain mass and absolutely in all spheres of our life.

Immediately it is necessary to designate that further “new information” is called not only absolutely new and unique information for us, but also information that has already been forgotten, such as the pinpoint touches mentioned above, or something different from the general context ( for example: 000000000100000, did you look at 1?).

The second is the synergy of information systems

We get more joy from the new, going synchronously with different information systems .

Are there any situations when you see something new, but the effect of joy is many times greater? You did not notice why we like music videos a little more than one sound without video. Why do we like to move to the beat of the music? Or listen to music that corresponds to your occupation? Will a racer listen to a lullaby during a race? No, if it is music, then most likely something fast. So why do we like it when unique information comes to us immediately from different information systems? Moreover, it acts not randomly, but at the same time as one event. Because, it is twice more pleasant to get unique information from different sources. Thus, this information forms a cross-system connection, linking images for example sound and visuals. Think about your feelings and sensations. Remember discos with flashes of light of different colors to the beat of the music; the bass is also beating to the beat, which makes our body vibrate and feel the sound not only with the ears.

We like to talk about something using parallels, figurative examples, etc. This way we better remember something, and it gives us more pleasure.

Third - a sense of beauty

We get more joy from the incoming new information, going synchronously with our image in memory.

It should immediately be said that the images in memory are not only what we have learned from information systems, but also images that have appeared as a result of our inventions. These are our goals and predictions of the future.

Have you ever wondered why you like certain songs, but not certain ones? Why does something beautiful exist at all, but something ugly? Why do we sing along?
Because when we listen to music, we perceive a certain number of sounds, which are identified as images of different levels. But the sequence of images is also an image that forms with time. When we sing along we go to our inner image of this song, and when we get into the beat, word for word, we like it, this is confirmation that we have the right information. And when, for example, the meaning of words coincides with our experiences, our past, our life principles (which ultimately represent the final images), we get many times more joy, since those images get confirmation.

Our sense of beauty is shaped by the information we receive most often. We know that this is a beautiful girl, because we see this type every day in advertising, on banners, we are all told that it is beautiful. This is how our image is shaped about how a person should look. And we estimate already in accordance with it. This thought is not new. There are parables, fairy tales with the same ideas. For example, A.I. Kuprin - "Blue Star".

Fourth - a sense of augmented beauty

We get much more joy if the new information does not just go in sync with our image in memory, but complements it without contradicting it.

As mentioned above, the main goal of our brain is to get new information. Information that is similar to our images is good. But if in this information, there is something that complements our images with something new - this is even better.
An ideal face without wrinkles, moles, any flaws in general is less attractive than a face with a small mole or light asymmetry. This element does not contradict the image. Nose, eyes, eyebrows, ears - all in their places. But the birthmark is something new, and it does not interfere with the rest, and I want to remember this new one.

Humor. Once we have entered the area of ​​complementing images, it is worth mentioning humor. What is it? You wondered why the joke seems ridiculous, and why not everyone laughs? In fact, humor is a wave of joy that covers us when we go a long way through the images of our memory and comes to that which we did not expect at all. We complement the image, and complement it with a very rare, long and very obvious connection.

Immediately you can say about self-deception. This is when we created a false image, and we like everything that confirms it, complements it. For example: get rich quickly, through a wedding with a rich man, or if you are kind, good, unfairly deprived, then justice will prevail (who am I to convince you of this). From here all this love to plots about Cinderella, beauties, etc. Or, here's another thing: many rich and successful people have dropped out of school, and we are abandoning our studies to justify ourselves with this.

Fifth - Feeling Ugly

We get negative emotions from the new, which contradicts our images in memory.

This feeling is opposite to beauty. When the new information does not confirm the image existing in memory, but on the contrary it discredits. A kind of lie about our truth. For example, we see a person who has something wrong with his face and eyes or nose are in an unusual place for us or look completely different. Our brain recognizes a person in it, but a few moments will disprove the truth of this recognition. Or we look at the landscape, which should be beautiful: green grass, shrubs, blue mountains in the distance; but we see: a dirty lifeless field, mountains of garbage and smog on the horizon. And we understand that this is essentially the same thing, but our expectations are not met. What about the first, what with the second example - as a result, we will have a negative emotion.

One of the clearest examples is also a lie. Here is a mismatch with the expected result. We built a sequence leading to the result, but in the process there was a violation and expectations were not met. A negative emotion appears and the target will be the cause of the false chain, i.e. liar

The sixth is binding positive and negative emotions.

Positive and negative emotions should be tied to some kind of image.

For positive and negative emotions it works in a similar way, it differs only in color, so we will explain anger. Having received some kind of emotion from the incoming information, it needs to be attached to the image, to find the cause of the emotion. The reason may be the image itself, which caused the emotion, or another image, which will be identified as the culprit by the cause-effect chain. For example.
Ugliness on the face of a man, who is to blame? This person.
Dead, with a bad environment picture, who is to blame? People.
I went to a bad bank and took a loan on the advice of a friend, who is to blame? Friend.
I'm fat, who is to blame? I.

It turns out that these emotions are superimposed on the final image, forming a connection and coloring it in a particular color.

Seventh - the desire to get rid of negative emotions and maintain positive emotions

Our brain seeks to eliminate the causes of negative emotions, and to prolong positive emotions.

When the brain receives a negative emotion and binds it to something, it tends to make it so that it does not happen again. And if nothing happens for him, then a double effect is triggered - a negative emotion to try to eliminate a negative emotion. And the reason will be the same image. Now take this all into recursion and get an avalanche-like jump of negative emotions in relation to the image. We get angry and aggression. When simple solutions at the level of the brain do not work, and we resort to physical effects. The worst thing is that a person can define himself as an object of negativity and develop self-hatred. Then we can get self-flagellation, “I'm bad,” banging my head against a wall, and so on.

When the brain gets a positive emotion and ties it to something, it tends to make it repeat as much as possible. And if he succeeds, then the double effect also works. And we get more joy. But one should not forget that if anger is in principle undesirable, then joy is forcibly restrained by various balances. Therefore, we can not go into absolute joy - counterweights will pull back.

Eighth - fear

The ability of the brain to put the most negative images in the sequence of predicting the future .

It is the main compensator of curiosity. In general, everything in the work of our brain works in tandem with a compensator. As soon as enough memory is accumulated in our memory so that we can make assumptions about the near future (in my opinion, this is a separate mechanism from memory, working in parallel both in the ghost and in the shadow), the brain begins to build predictions. Have you ever thought why children are afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of the dark? Why? When a child sees a black room, his knowledge is not enough to fill it with images, or rather there are images, but their probability of being there is small. And what does the brain do? He puts there all the worst horrors and fears from memory. All that is painted as negative as possible. And it starts busting on the possibility of being there. And he finds it. And what about adults? In adults, other fears. They know that in their house in the corner there is hardly a snake, a wolf, a monster. But they know for sure that there is a wall, a hanger, etc. The brain puts them there and there is no fear. We are afraid of robbers in the dark doorways. Or we know that something is not so clean in our business, and we can go bankrupt. Personally, I'm afraid of fog. I know that there is nothing scary there, but since I rarely come across him and, thanks to King, for his fog with monsters, my brain actively fills it with images from a book and a movie, and it's hard to deal with.

The last two principles can already be attributed not only to the perception of information, but also to motivation. We’ll stop at this and try to reflect on the influence of these mechanisms on our lives.


People can be divided into two camps - conservatives and innovators. Why people become one or other difficult to explain, perhaps part of the inheritance, part of personal experience.

Conservatives - those people who get more pleasure from the fact that the information received coincides with their images from memory. They like to repeat the same actions, creating a kind of ritual. Strict clothes, a certain food, a certain order. It is more difficult for them to reconcile the incompatibility of images and they experience discomfort. Their fear prevails over the pleasure of discovering something new.

Innovators - those who get more pleasure from the uniqueness of the data, they are able to freely link them to existing images. They are scared, but curiosity is stronger. They want to learn new things, see new things, change things, and they like it.

Remember the line between the negative of the incompatibility of the image and the pleasure of supplement? A vivid example is Nazism, racism. Someone is not able to accept a different color of a person and characteristic signs. And he cannot change it, as a result we get anger at the cause, and as a result, at the whole race, nation. And if the difference is only in small parts? Are we able to accept her? Yes, and even more, it will be in addition to our image and we will get joy from it. Why mestizas seem more attractive? Because for most people, they are on the side of joy. And what if a person is shown incompatible images for a long time? He will get used to them, only accumulated anger is unlikely to go away. It is worth noting that the environment plays a very important role. If the environment imposes a positive color on the incompatibility, for example, it is considered that it is beautiful, good, then the person will get used to this image with a positive color. If the environment is initially negative - most likely the color will be negative, if neutral, then close to neutral. For example, if you live among people with obvious differences from you and you are used to them, then you will start to get angry at yourself, which is not able to match your own image in your head. But if around you there are people like you, about half, then there will be no such anger. All this is very subtle and fragile, but the most important thing to remember is that our own mind can determine where to look, and what to pay attention to and what to ignore. I think in-depth talk about beauty and deformity is not necessary, since the principle is the same. What we used to see beautifully, because it corresponds to the image, what is slightly different is also beautiful, complements the image, but what is very different is ugliness.

There is another distinction between ugliness and "this is not like anything else."

Ugliness works when we find out a part of the elements, not so much, but the main thing is that we have the final image for what we see.

And what is this “nothing like”? This phrase was said by the robots in the series “The World of the Wild West”, when they saw what they should not perceive, what the system blocked for their perception in order to preserve their program (memory). In our case, it may be that our brain is unable to recognize and generally understand what is in front of it. This feeling is familiar to all of us, but not all remember it, or are aware of it. Most often it was in childhood. Now meet such a rarity.

My personal example: the film "Lucy" at the very end creates a flash drive with knowledge about everything and everyone. I understand that this is something similar to a flash drive, but her appearance (she seemed to have been cut out from this world) could not be kept in my head. And I clearly remember this moment.
Another even funny example is cows.If you take the calf in your arms, the cow will stop seeing it. She will hear him, look at him point-blank and will not understand that there is a calf in front of her, because there is no image in it that it can be in the hands of a person. She will look for him and moo. And maybe start to chase you, because You are the cause of the disappearance of her child.

What are games? Why do people play animals in them? It happens that our brain receives some unique information for it. And this information should be linked with all the information already available. But how to connect it, especially if there is no time? We remember it and postpone it. Brightly seen in children. They watched some new movie. After a while, what will you see? They will play the events of that movie. Each time something is changing and adjusting. The information thus obtained is consistent with what they have in mind. Approximately the same thing happens in the head when we sleep. In one form or another. There is also no person who would not mentally repeat an event many times.
And you know that the most important thing in all this? New connections are formed, and we get joy. And sometimes this joy is so strong that it is hard to tear us away from this occupation. Sometimes we even ignore natural needs. This is speaking of the games that our brain builds for learning.

But the man managed to put it on stream. And we got the entertainment industry. New emotions, new feelings, new sensations. Why do we like to play games where we are someone else? There are several reasons, and all of them bring us joy, which makes this process even more fascinating. And the harder the game, the more profound mechanisms will be involved. We get joy from new sensations, from new connections, from repetition of events, from flattery (in the virtual world we achieve something, or we look better) and so on. Everything is built so that we enjoy.

Let's sum up

How many principles and algorithms have been named? Not so much, but they are relatively simple, universal and work on many levels of our mind, intersect with each other. As a result, we get complex causal conclusions, emotions, motivations.

I have given far from all the found principles and mechanisms (about them in the next articles), but I could write and write about examples and reasoning. The main thing is to understand that our mind is not so incomprehensible, think and look for your examples.

The next article will be devoted to moral and spiritual throwings, problems and dilemmas facing the development of AI.

And finally, go to a familiar person, try to get his attention so that he looks at you and ask the question: "What was your most vivid memory of the last year?" Look carefully at him, he will surely take his eyes away from you (unless, of course, he does not specifically try to look at you). He will look somewhere in the middle, so his shadow will be able to analyze information from sight, while the ghost will shift his focus to working with memory. This happens when it takes a lot of time and resources to process the task. We are not comprehensive, just well optimized.


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